People & Places

West Sound has an incredible number of talented artists, interesting people, fascinating places and popular destinations. We love to share their stories with our readers. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version to see all of what we have to offer!

Kathleen Sutton

Smoothing the Rough Road to Treatment

A cancer diagnosis is a ticket to a place no one wants to go. The path is uncertain, the effort exhausting, and the itinerary largely out of our control. Aside from immediate concerns such as reviewing treatment options and coverage for medical costs, … read more

Sri Lanka
Travel Bug

Shining Sri Lanka

The name means “shining” or “glittering island.” Sri Lanka. When you step off the plane in Sri Lanka, you’ll know you are on a tropical island. The air is perfumed with the scent of tropical flowers and pungent spices like turmeric, cinnamon and … read more


How to Camp like a Scout

A tradition dating back a hundred years, summer camping is the quintessential family experience. For some, it’s the allure of a cheap getaway, as far as vacations go. For others, what makes the idea appealing is the promise that at the end of … read more


Cool Places to Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer on The Kitsap Peninsula

It’s true. Most people born in and around the greater Puget Sound area are wimps when it comes to really hot weather. As the thermometer soars and the dog days of summer linger on and on, locals whimper and wilt and scurry indoors … read more


Bremerton’s Taste of Fremont

If you live in Kitsap County and are looking for your “Seattle fix,” you can find it in Bremerton’s own Manette Business District. Just drive over the Manette Bridge, take a right, look for the iconic TV sign on the roof of the … read more

Theresa Stirling

Driven by Design, Inspired by Nature

Theresa Stirling’s studio is a quiet sanctuary in a loft above her garage, a place between the earth and sky where serendipity joins inspiration. She takes mind-clearing breaks by walking in her yard, paddle boarding along Hood Canal or perhaps chatting with her … read more

Bob McBride

Unsung Hero — Bob McBride

WSU Kitsap Extension Master Gardener and Kitsap County...

Bob McBride volunteers in several roles in Kitsap County. A Master Gardener, he is involved with various programs at Washington State University’s Kitsap Extension. He also takes care of the Anderson Landing Preserve County Park. Through both staff and Master Gardener volunteers, the … read more

Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop

Cameo Boutique & Wine Shop — An Experience to Inspire

If you’ve driven along the Hood Canal between Union and Hoodsport, you’ve probably noticed the cute, bluish-gray building with white trim and a white picket fence on the water side of the highway, just a short distance west of Alderbrook Resort and the … read more

Travel Bug

18 Reasons Namibia should be on Your Travel List in 2018

Namibia. Where, you say? You’re not alone. Few American tourists have heard of it, let alone ventured here. But this vast and undiscovered country in southwest Africa is the new safari destination for Africa, as well as so very much more. The scenery … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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