Tillandsias (Air Plants)


Tillandsias are pretty much a no-fail plant. They thrive on neglect, with a little shower of water now and then. You’ll find more than 500 species of air plants (their common name). They are members of the Bromeliaceae family of plants. In their … read more


Installing a mirror is an easy task but does require a few considerations, such as making sure you're using the right adhesive — and you're using it properly.

How to Properly Install a Bedroom Mirror

Installing a mirror is easy but it does require a little bit of planning. Here’s how to install a full-length mirror on the back of a bedroom door without a fuss. If the door is solid wood, then metal or plastic clips will … read more

Scented Pelargoniums

Scented Pelargoniums

Commonly known as scented geraniums, these are not your ordinary geraniums and definitely not that vibrant summer annual flower that tumbles out of window boxes and container gardens. Scented geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium, like the other geraniums, and all are the … read more


Shore pine (Pinus contorta)

Best Native Plants for Protecting Your Hillside from Erosion

After the terrible Oso landslide tragedy, we received several calls at Woodbrook Native Plant Nursery from people wanting advice on what to plant on their hillsides. Plants help protect against erosion in several ways. They remove water from the soil and carry it … read more

Looking for a fabulous garden project to spur your creativity and add personality to your yard? Making stepping stones is an easy way to accomplish both. The following instructions will walk you through everything you need to know and all the materials needed to complete this fun project at home.
Step By Step

Make Your Very Own Unique Stepping Stones

Looking for a fabulous garden project to spur your creativity and add personality to your yard? Making stepping stones is an easy way to accomplish both. The following instructions will walk you through everything you need to know and all the materials needed … read more


Drinking Glasses — Utilitarian Vessels That Deserve Our Respect

Drinking Glasses — Utilitarian Vessels That Deserve Our Respect

There is a world out there few have entered with a serous mind of awareness. Always there but never or seldom in our thoughts is the small, utilitarian vessel we call a drinking class. No one pays much mind. They are pretty, needed, … read more


Weissman Garden, Bainbridge Island. (Photo courtesy The Garden Conservancy)

The Garden Conservancy’s Open Days Showcases Six North Kitsap Gardens

Six private gardens in Indianola, Kingston and on Bainbridge Island will be open to the general public on June 29 as part of Garden Conservancy’s Open Days. The mission of the Garden Conservancy is to preserve “America’s exceptional gardens” as well as educate … read more

Kids' Gardening

Kids’ Gardening

What can you do with kids to maintain their interest in gardening during the monsoon months of spring? Try planting some indoor and outdoor small gardens in containers. Then spend some cozy time inside reading a few good gardening books for families and … read more


How to Choose the Right Table Lamp

How to Choose the Right Table Lamp

A common question I hear regarding home décor is how to choose living-room table lamps so they are the correct height. In most cases, tops of lampshades should be somewhere between 4 and 5 feet from the floor. A variation of 2 to … read more

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