Children Helping Kitchen

5 Ways to Get Your Kids in the Kitchen (But Not Get in Your Way)

My three kids spend so much time with me in the kitchen. Daily, we chop, we mix, we bake, we stir, we do life together around our island and over food. At this point, they are trained professionals when it comes to helping … read more

Les & Betty Krueger Family Healing Garden

The Les & Betty Krueger Family Healing Garden at Harrison

"I go to nature to be soothed and...

When you go out to dig in your garden, take a stroll in the neighborhood park or simply sit on a bench under a shady tree, do you achieve a unique sense of calm? Chances are you do, perhaps without even recognizing the … read more


Upwind Sailing

The ‘Secrets’ of Upwind Sailing, Explained

Have you ever noticed the grace and beauty of a sailboat silently moving about? Many, many years ago, sailing vessels had square sails. They pretty much sailed in the direction the wind was blowing, being pushed along toward a destination. This worked well, … read more


Carpaccio of zucchini
In the Market Now


There is an urban legend that a New Jersey law makes it illegal to place zucchini in other people’s cars or leave it on a neighbor’s porch. The humor in this illustrates just how prolific this commonly grown vegetable plant can be, and … read more

Creative Tablescape Competition Winners 2016

Creative Tablescape Competition Winners 2016

As we have in the past, WestSound Magazine magazine received an abundance of creative tablescapes. The choices were all wonderful — but our tablescape judges, Teri Hern and Linna Lawrence, made the difficult decisions! Thank you to all who took the time to … read more

Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival

Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival — Growing into a Regional Destination

The strains of music waft on the gentle breeze in mid-July as thousands of visitors stroll down Judson Street in Gig Harbor to peruse the high-quality offerings of professional artists and artisans who participate in the Gig Harbor Summer Art Festival. Now in … read more


Geoduck Festival Touch Pools

Things to do this Weekend: Geoduck Fest and Allyn Days

The Allyn Community Association’s 34th Annual Allyn Days/6th Annual Geoduck Festival is a must-go-to event happening in the quaint town of Allyn July 15-17. Festival Kick-Off Friday, July 15, starting at 5:30 p.m. Professional singer/songwriters, Mick and Laura McCartney of Rhythm & Sass, … read more

Hansville Home

Sounds of Silence

Function, beauty and self-sufficient design allow a longtime...

Stand on the deck and listen. It’s not exactly silent; there’s plenty to hear. There’s the chirp of birds and the rustle of the breeze in the trees. Crows bicker and an occasional heron squawks as it glides by. Underlying it all is … read more


Painted Rocks Garden Markers

Brighten Up Your Garden with a Set of Plant Markers Made from Rocks

Gardeners know that once a garden begins to mature, it can be hard to tell what is actually growing. The solution is to use plant markers. Whether you have a garden this year or are planning one for next year, this is a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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