
How to Have ‘The Talk’ with Your Adult Children

Seniors have ample options when it comes to retirement and embarking on their next life journey. Many adults do not want to burden their children with talk about retirement, but are also concerned about the financial tolls retirement may take. Many adults are … read more

Garden to Glass

From Garden to Glass — and a Spoonful of Sugar

Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. So goes the famous song, “A Spoonful of Sugar,” sung by Julie Andrews in the classic Disney movie “Mary Poppins.” Not intended to be about liqueur; however, the song hints to why liqueur … read more

(Photo courtesy Sarah Musson)

Neckties with an Attitude

Who said ties have to be boring? Bremerton-based PKo Designs certainly doesn’t think so. This three-year-old company is comprised of artists — and it shows. The company’s focus is on producing new, original, hand-painted neckties in a broad range of designs, motifs, patters … read more


Fair Trade for the Holidays

Buying Fair Trade for the Holidays

So you want to buy ethically this holiday season, but you’re not sure how? Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church has you covered. On Nov. 18 and 19, the Gig Harbor church is hosting its annual Festival of Hope, a community-wide event dedicated to selling … read more

La Fermata

La Fermata — A Steady Presence in the Local Food Scene

Before Bremerton’s La Fermata Restaurant opens for business in the late afternoon, locals out walking their dogs or going for a run pause to wave through the windows at owner Sam Schicker, as she goes about her front-of-the house preparations. Schicker seems to … read more


Sweet potato fries
In the Market Now

Sweet Potatoes

Is it a sweet potato or a yam? Much confusion abounds as to whether they are the same thing or not, and what, if anything, is the difference. Unless you visit an ethnic-foods market that imports vegetables from Africa, it is doubtful that … read more

Home to Bainbridge

Around the World and Home to Bainbridge

A world-traveling couple has made home their favorite...

Been there, experienced that. When it comes to seeing the world, Lin Wyncoop and Kevin Compton of Bainbridge Island have built careers on it. Decades of flying with major international airlines, combined with a love of adventure, have taken the couple to all … read more

A holiday is always a good excuse for a party.

Time to Throw a Party

You are invited! Please join us as WestSound Home and Garden takes a look at the joys and challenges of entertaining. With a bit of preplanning and some sage advice from our entertaining experts, throwing a party can be as much fun for … read more


Home Theatres

Home Theatres — Is There One in Your Future?

Home theaters are a very popular request in remodels and new homes today — and rightfully so. Who wouldn’t love a room to lounge in with family and friends and watch their favorite shows and movies? The term home theater is used quite … read more

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