Auto Safety

5 Tips for Summer Road Trips

For many people, summer means setting out on a road trip in search of bucket-list-worthy excitement or a relaxing vacation. Whether you’re going down the road to visit family or across the country to see a national monument, it is important to prepare … read more



Finding Peace Paddling in the Rain on Liberty Bay

Have you heard the sound of raindrops on calm water? It has a soothing effect on the soul, and when you add the sound of kayak paddles gently dipping and purple martins twittering above, one gets a sense that all is right with … read more

Paul Dudley — Resident of Poulsbo, married, two children

Unsung Hero — Paul Dudley

Owner, Paul Dudley Photography

Poulsbo photographer Paul Dudley has been a devoted volunteer for several organizations focused on children. His primary involvement is with Camp Goodtimes, a pediatric oncology camp for patients and siblings on Vashon Island. He has been a volunteer there since 1984, contributing 44 … read more


Native plants have deep root systems that allow the water to penetrate the soil surface, providing moisture to plant roots on the way to recharging groundwater.

Manage Water where it Falls for a Healthier Landscape and Environment

Too much, not enough, and never when you need it. This is a common complaint of gardeners. Keeping and using water where it falls is the first step in managing this precious resource. Planting and maintaining a healthy landscape is a good place … read more

Alderbrook Resort and Spa
Making a Difference

The Alderbrook Resort and Spa

Located on Hood Canal, Alderbrook Resort features spacious guest rooms, a stellar marina, guest cottage accommodations, a luxurious day spa and a restaurant featuring some of the best food and wine in the region. For more than a hundred years, the Alderbrook Resort … read more


Home Drive-In Movies

What You Need for Showing Summer Movie Nights in Your Own Backyard

Looking for a way to get the most out of your summer evenings? Make it a night at the drive-in at home! With the right equipment and planning, you can easily enjoy your favorite movies under the stars, right in your own backyard. … read more

The Sip
The Sip

Dinner Changes Everything

It started as a way of helping girls who were being sold into human trafficking and turned into something much more than expected. Kelly Welk, owner, event designer and top dreamer at CiderPress Lane, heard about Seattle nonprofit Rescue Freedom International, whose goal … read more

Creative Kitchens
Design|Build 2018B

Creative Kitchens

The kitchen is a cornerstone in any home. It’s where we cook dinner and where we gather with friends and family for holidays. Everyone wants a beautiful kitchen, but remember, this is a functional space, as well. Choose finishes and materials that will … read more


Twenty acres of marine shoreline and six acres of tidelands protected on Hood Canal north of Vinland. (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Unique Partnership Protects Hood Canal Shoreline

To implement the Hood Canal Coordination Council’s In Lieu Fee Mitigation Program, Great Peninsula Conservancy and Hood Canal Coordinating Council have teamed up to conserve, restore and protect marine shoreline and tideland habitats. Fees paid by developers as compensation for impacts to marine … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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