
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


Understairs office

Three Golden Rules When Planning a Renovation

When planning a home-improvement project, it’s always best to do your research to ensure you know the do’s and don’ts ahead of making any final decisions. Whether you’ve just moved into a new property that needs a large structural change, or your forever … read more

The Sip
The Sip

Spring Sippers

Get ready for spring. We’re crushing on these super-sippable white wines from around the Sound. Rolling Bay Winery is tucked into the heart of Bainbridge Island in the Rolling Bay community. Grab a bottle of its 2020 Pinot Grigio to enjoy on a … read more


easy brunch quiche

Recipe for Easy Brunch Quiche

The same old brunch menu week after week can become tiresome and dull. It’s bland, boring and your tastebuds get used to the same flavors repeatedly. It’s time to add something new to the table with fresh ingredients and simple instructions to enhance … read more

A male American robin grabs an unsuspecting worm in the grass for a tasty snack.

An Extraordinary, Ordinary Bird

Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. One person becomes an unexpected hero. An overlooked individual suddenly has an incredible idea. A seemingly insignificant person has unknowingly touched countless lives. The possibilities are endless. It is the same with birds. Migratory shorebirds fly thousands … read more


garden flowers

How to Create a Therapeutic Garden at Home

Therapeutic gardens, typically seen at healthcare facilities, are “designed for use as a component of a treatment, rehabilitation or vocational program… to meet the needs of a specific user or population…to accommodate participant’s goals and to facilitate people-plant interactions, according to the American … read more


Snip-n-drip irrigation systems apply water directly where it is needed and fit any garden planted in rows. (Photo courtesy of Gardener's Supply Company)

Tips for Designing and Maintaining a Low-Maintenance Garden

Don’t let your spring garden enthusiasm lead to overplanting and the creation of a summer gardening nightmare. A design with maintenance in mind and some strategic care can help reduce the time you spend managing your gardens and landscape. Consider using fewer plant … read more

Chelsea Travaglio Garden

Creating a Garden Retreat in Silverdale

As a little girl, I took great comfort in our family garden. I grew up on a small farm in Woodinville. I vividly remember taking the short walk down to the barn to say “hello” to the horses and chickens, then slowly finding … read more


harvest salad

Recipe for Harvest Bowl Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

For those seeking to be more health-conscious, the idea of eating nutritiously seems simple. However, understanding what’s truly “good for you” can sometimes be confusing. Avocados From Mexico conducted a survey and found that while 76% of respondents believe fat is an essential … read more

Thermador multizone wine refrigerator (Photo courtesy BSH Home Appliances)

How to Consume, Preserve and Store Wine at Home

Proper Handling and Storage for Best Wine Preservation

Wine sales around the world are on the rise, with more people enjoying wine in the comfort of their own homes rather than in restaurants or bars. Drinking wine can be a thoroughly delightful experience and a worthwhile expenditure, provided you treat it … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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