Step-by-Step Instructions
Hoop houses are a simple tool to improve success with year-round vegetable gardening in the Pacific Northwest. Constructed of basic, inexpensive materials and with the potential for easy relocation, hoop houses are essentially mini-greenhouses that anyone can build and utilize. And like a … read more
It’s not easy to catch up to Tina Nguyen. She lives (for now) on Bainbridge Island. She owns Simon’s in Port Orchard, serving Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai cuisine. And she recently bought the Rosedale Market in Gig Harbor, where she has plans to … read more
A hummingbird darts about the garden, its long, willowy tongue flicking in and out of its beak in anticipation of the honey-sweet nectar. The miniature acrobat flies around, occasionally coming to a standstill in midair, its wings moving so fast, they disappear from … read more
More Than Just a Box
Pretty colors and fancy trim aside, a well-designed room exudes a subtle beauty. The essence of that beauty is in the placement of cabinetry, fixtures and furnishings. People derive a sense of comfort and purpose when they can walk into a room and … read more
Gardeners can still get their plant fix during the winter months. It’s a great time to explore the world of indoor houseplants. It’s also a time to purchase a few usually outdoor culinary plants to brighten up a sunny windowsill or kitchen counter. … read more
The Clark Family Garden
The buzz phrase in landscape design these days is outdoor living — creating garden “rooms” that effectively extend living space beyond the home. The Clarks have mastered this concept in the redesign of their yard, a project started a decade ago. This is … read more
The husband and wife team of Bill and Arlene West has created a magical, wonderful piece of paradise in the Ridgetop area of Central Kitsap. Their mostly shady garden is luxuriously green, overflowing with every kind of tree, shrub and perennial imaginable. Mature … read more
Fashion entered the revitalization arena and stole the show. It was unexpected that an old Navy city, struggling to reestablish itself, would burst at the seams with display window mannequin and aqua color accents. Purpose Boutique changed the face of downtown Bremerton. Old … read more
Spring is the season of renewal and fresh beginnings so it makes sense that this would be a perfect time to tackle those parts of your home that are chaotic, so you can create some serenity for yourself in your surroundings. It can … read more