Storms have been hitting the South Puget Sound hard over the past few months. We have gotten used to the inclement weather, keeping a rain jacket close at all times and putting on tough faces when rain threatens to cancel plans. We have … read more
Recently I met with a great couple who bought an older home. It has lots of potential — and lots of room for improvement. The couple has a significant amount of money budgeted. But after walking through the home to discuss all the … read more
A Family with Roots that Run Deep
If Jerry and Mary Richards of Indianola were to have a clan motto emblazoned above their hearth, it would read, simply: “For Home and Family.” While not actually carved in concrete, the sentiment is obvious in nearly every aspect of the couple’s story, … read more
Create a fun and festive Easter celebration your entire family can enjoy! This easy project adds a punch of color to your holiday dinner or dessert table. This fun craft also makes a great candy table centerpiece at birthday parties or weddings. Supplies: … read more
Through efforts led by Gig Harbor citizen-activist Vern Young and a few other community visionaries, a 19-acre forested site was saved from becoming a housing development so that the community, as well as future generations, will have a wonderful park. Young, who died … read more
What if we could create a West Puget Sound Island, bigger than Whidbey, bigger than either Bainbridge or Vashon — an island that would become a true Mecca for recreational boaters? And what if we could save the ecosystem of Hood Canal in … read more
This is the time of year when everything starts turning the most magnificent color of green, and humans begin to sense it is time for spring cleaning. Rebirth, renewal, cleansing of home, body and spirit is the focus. Perhaps Mother Nature leads us … read more
Farmers Markets • Plant Sales • Giving Back...
Let the official gardening season begin. At least for hardcore gardeners. It’s time to plant potatoes; put in peas and sow some lettuce seeds, bok choy, chard, kale and a host of other cooler season veggies. Get ready to plant fruit trees, raspberries, … read more
Starting the process of a remodeling project is exhilarating, and also daunting. The excitement of having a space (or spaces) that will function for you and your family makes you daydream of many pages out of trendy magazines. The reality is, you eventually … read more