During the winter season, you may need to pay closer attention to watching your step. But fall prevention is something you should work on year-round. Even if you’re active, healthy and full of life, statistics show that you have a greater chance of … read more
Daylight is burning more hours and highlighting the new plant catalogs scattered across your desk. It is gray outside, with many months left to fill with drizzling precipitation, cold wind and storms. You cannot wait to get outside and grab a handful of … read more
Few things go together quite like cold weather and comfort foods. However, those hearty dishes that are typically craved on blustery days are usually not classified as “healthy.” With the right approach, though, you can put a better-for-you twist on some of your … read more
Moss thrives in our wet, rainy region. Given enough time and clear space, such as a roof, a green carpet will slowly form. So prolific is moss that entire companies exist to control it and in the drizzly Pacific Northwest, those companies tend … read more
We all know that healthy living means things like eating healthy food, getting enough sleep and exercise, shedding stress and living in a clean, healthy home. However, even in seemingly clean, well-kept homes, “indoor air can be deadlier than outside air.” The culprit? … read more
Copper has been trending in the interior design world, and from the looks of it, I don’t think it’s going away any time soon. It adds the perfect industrial accent to compliment any space. Want to incorporate a fun metal DIY candelabra in … read more
“Hoarding without guilt” could have been the heading, or “what to do with stuff.” Then add that subject to “an old house in Bremerton” and you’ve got a story —”stuff” and all. Downsizing at its deepest when situations and complications create a drama … read more
Martha & Mary AT HOME recently received the 2019 Best of Home Care – Provider of Choice Award from Home Care Pulse. This year marks the 10th time in a row that the in-home caregiving operation, based in Poulsbo, has won this prestigious … read more
Travel Bug
We always hear about the well-known and touristy Greek islands such as Crete, Corfu, Santorini, Mykonos and Rhodes. All of these islands have an abundance of beauty but also an abundance of tourists. Some, an overabundance. And then there is Antiparos. Where, you … read more