Many people think that aging means eventually having to leave your home. That is a reality for many, but it can be delayed significantly by making a few changes to your home in order to make it safer. Certain areas of every home … read more
It’s time to think spring. Fall is the time to plant tulips, daffodils, crocus and other spring flowering bulbs. Use these early bloomers to welcome spring to your landscape. You’ll appreciate the color and cheery blooms after another long winter passes. Extend your … read more
Even before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents were grappling with the effects of screen time on their children’s sleep habits. Now, with so much of the world moving online, kids’ screen time has increased drastically, and many old routines are out … read more
It takes time — as well as imagination, desire and commitment — to turn a yard into a garden. Sam and Karen Brindley had the latter two necessities when they moved to Indianola from Kirkland 10 years ago. The house they found had … read more
During a time when healthcare professionals and researchers continue to reevaluate the effectiveness and safety of prescription drug use for chronic pain, Kitsap County physical therapist Megan Morris emphasizes that physical therapy has long been considered a safer, cheaper and more effective treatment … read more
As much as none of us as parents think we would ever forget our young kids in a locked car, accidents happen. On average, one child dies every nine days due to heatstroke from being locked in a vehicle, according to KidsAndCars.org. The … read more
Design|Build 2021A
This private couple lived outside of the country when they discovered Kitsap County through the technology of a home computer. Once they found Kitsap and their land, they assembled the team to make their dream of a waterfront home unfold. The heart of … read more
Meet your newest friend in quarantine! Beginning in September, Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA) launches the Bainbridge Pod Accomplice, a free podcast featuring a regular series of different plays starring your favorite local performers and directors. With a planned release of one play or … read more
Cover Feature
A Kitsap-bound couple finds that good things come...
Frustration is not always a bad thing. Just ask Lemolo’s Owen and Paulette Lubin, who learned about the hidden blessings of disappointment several years ago as they worked to make a move from Seattle to Kitsap County. The allure of Kitsap’s comparatively rural … read more