WSMAG.NET Blog » The Outdoors

Local outdoor aficionados share tips and information about outdoor recreation, from fishing to bird watching.



Storms impact more just people — Puget Sound suffers, too

Storms have been hitting the South Puget Sound hard over the past few months. We have gotten used to the inclement weather, keeping a rain jacket close at all times and putting on tough faces when rain threatens to cancel plans. We have … read more


West Puget Sound Island

West Puget Sound Island Could Be Our Own ‘Panama Canal’

What if we could create a West Puget Sound Island, bigger than Whidbey, bigger than either Bainbridge or Vashon — an island that would become a true Mecca for recreational boaters? And what if we could save the ecosystem of Hood Canal in … read more


Time to Think About Birdhouses

Time to Think About Birdhouses

Late winter may not seem like the perfect time to think about birdhouses, but it is. As the days grow longer and temperatures moderate, our resident birds begin checking out possible nest sites. If your birdhouses are cleaned, repaired and in place during … read more


2016-2017 USA Duck Stamp

Supporting Wildlife Refuges by Collecting Duck Stamps

“…You don’t have to be a hunter to buy a duck stamp. You just need $25. So go out and buy the stamp.” Jim Williams, co-author of the book “Questions and Answers about Backyard Birds,” made that statement in an article he wrote … read more


Orca Pod

Orca Births are Good News for Puget Sound but are At Risk

Most can agree that seeing an orca glide through the water is a pretty rare and incredible sight. If you have lived in the Puget Sound for a while, perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to see an orca or two in the wild. … read more


Mt. Rainier over Puget Sound (Photo by Ed Johnson)

The Impact on Our Weathers from the Mysterious Chehalis Gap and the Coriolis Effect

Our fall, winter, and springtime weathers here on the South Sound and the West Sound pretty much come from the same place. The Chehalis gap! And no, you can’t buy jeans there. This gap is the space between the southernmost of the Olympic … read more


King Tides

‘Tis The Season of King Tides

The oceans that surround us would really like to leave the Earth. Only Earth’s gravitational pull keeps them here. They are always seeking another gravitational pull with which to dance. Our sun and moon are both willing partners. And dance they do. The … read more


Song Sparrow in Autumn Plumage

How You Can Be Part of Thanksgiving Bird Count

During the month of November, one bird is in the minds of many West Sound residents. While the Thanksgiving turkey may be the Bird of the Month, other birds are getting their share of attention. They are the ones that will be counted … read more


Orca Killer Whales

Are Puget Sound’s Orcas Making a Comeback?

Orcas have always played a significant role in Puget Sound, with cultural significance ranging back thousands of years. As apex predators, they are crucial to the local ecosystem, and they also assist the regional economy by bringing in tourism. These creatures have many … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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