WSMAG.NET Blog » The Outdoors

Local outdoor aficionados share tips and information about outdoor recreation, from fishing to bird watching.


Silver Salmon

Tips for Successful Salmon Fishing

Through summer and into fall, salmon begin their annual migrations to their natal streams for spawning. July and August angling is focused on chinook (kings) and coho (silvers) and in odd numbered years, pinks (humpies). Being an even-numbered year, pinks are not available … read more


July and August Mean Crab For West Sound Anglers

July and August Mean Crab For West Sound Anglers

There are reasons those of us living in Western Washington manage to endure the interminably short, gray and damp days of winter and early spring, and for many of us, it’s the memory of summers past and the promise of the summer to … read more


Volunteers Needed for Beach Cleanup at New Harper Pier Site

The Harper Pier in Manchester was once a booming Mosquito Fleet destination. In the automobile era, the maritime traffic has dwindled, but the pier continued to be popular with boaters and outdoor enthusiasts alike. The historic pier had to be demolished last year … read more


A fly angler prepares to release a one of Puget Sound's treasures: a wild sea run cutthroat.

Fly Fishing Has Broad Allure, Is Easy to Learn

Upcoming free seminar can help you determine if...

With perhaps only the exception of blue-water, big-game fishing, no other method of angling is as steeped in mystique as fly fishing. The allure of fly fishing is vast and varied. Some folks are drawn to the almost-meditative qualities of fly-casting, which can … read more


Salmon is rightfully one of the most popular species with local anglers.

Exploring the Angling Opportunities of the West Sound, Part 1: Salmon

One of the great joys of living in the Puget Sound region is engaging in the variety of fishing and shellfishing opportunities while becoming more intimately acquainted with the ecosystems that support the resource. The waters in our immediate vicinity and others within … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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