The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.



Winter Bloomers Give Offseason Interest to Your Garden

Are you looking for some color to liven up the gray winter landscape? By choosing winter-blooming plants, you will get the satisfaction of a few flowers when much of the country is under ice and snow. Some of your choices are available in … read more


Modern Bathroom Design
Part 2

Remodeling Trends: The Master Bath

The second most-popular remodeling project is definitely the master bath. And people have very specific ideas. We do see some common trends. Let’s dive right in. Number one on the list is what we call the party shower. Yep, huge — sometimes as … read more


BBQ Turkey

Tips to Grill Year-Round

While grilling is usually associated with summer, more Americans are recognizing its year-round potential. In fact, 80 percent of North American households own a grill or smoker and 60 percent use it year-round, according to recent statistics from the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue … read more


Western hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii, is one of the many plants named after David Douglas.

Scientific Names of Plants Demystified

My father, Dean Kelley, was a pharmaceutical representative for a drug company. When he retired, he volunteered his time as a Master Gardener in Pierce County. One time he was complaining to me that the scientific names of plants were hard to learn. … read more


Small Farms Kitsap

WSU Kitsap Offers Farm Business Planning Course

WSU Kitsap County Extension will offer its popular Ag Entrepreneurship Course on starting and sustaining a profitable small farm or agricultural enterprise beginning Jan. 28. Community members are invited to sign up for this intensive, hands-on learning opportunity. The course features a full … read more


Fantastic Kitchen Remodel
Part 1

Remodeling Trends: The Kitchen

You’ve made it through the holidays, put all the decorations away and decluttered your space. Still don’t have enough room? Or the rooms just don’t work for you and your family? Maybe it’s time to remodel. I hear it all the time, “It’s … read more


Jay on Fence Post

Landscaping for Birds in Your Garden

The gardening magazines and catalogs that arrive in January are reminders that spring in the Northwest isn’t far off. Thinking about spring gardening chores is the perfect time to consider the birds we hope to attract to our yards in the coming months. … read more


The EDGE Improv

The EDGE Improv Celebrates 20th Anniversary Season

Shake off the winter blues with The EDGE Improv on Feb. 7 in the group’s anything-but-routine first-Saturday performance at Bainbridge Performing Arts. The EDGE presents an ingeniously improvised evening of on-the-spot comedy, all from audience suggestions. The troupe’s riotous antics have earned a … read more


Bainbridge Symphony

Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra Showcases New Timpani Instruments

One of my favorite aspects of Bainbridge Island is the sense of community and togetherness, especially with respect to art and culture. For a small town, Bainbridge Island has a remarkable number of musical groups, theater troupes, visual artists and more. At the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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