WSMAG.NET Blog » Gardeners Corner
We all would like to have a beautifully landscaped yard that we can take time to enjoy. Some people love to putter in the garden and are proud of their artistic endeavors. Whether you enjoy it or not, many garden chores take a … read more
Mid-September brings a bounty of tomatoes to harvest and there is no better place to experience the many flavors than at Brothers Greenhouses Annual Tomato Tasting event in Port Orchard, not far from the Bremerton National Airport on South 3. Fifty tomato varieties … read more
Gardening With Peg
In the West Sound growing climate, gardeners can often plant seeds and starts in July through September for late fall, winter and sometimes even early spring harvest. The most important thing to remember is soil temperatures and how much water is needed. Many … read more
I love “Aha!” moments. I recently had one regarding the mysteries of garlic in storage. I had noticed that some years, my garlic stored without any trouble, lasting well into the summer, while other times many of the cloves shriveled up and were … read more
If you have a vegetable garden, you probably want all your produce to be used well. But there is a limit to how much produce one household can consume. Puget Sound gardeners get an average of 10 pounds of tomatoes from each plant … read more
The Rest of the Story
“Have you seen Jim Valley’s garden? You really need to see his garden.” This wasn’t the first time I’d heard Jim Valley’s name. I was standing at a party in Seattle, in a gathering of people who’d just seen “Her Aim is True,” … read more
As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more
Whether you are new to gardening, live in a townhouse or other small space or are an experienced gardener, you probably have seen a favorite crop in a raised bed or in-ground garden turned into Swiss cheese by the creatures of the night. … read more
Water, Wild Plants, and Wildlife
Do you have waterfront property? Does your house look out on magnificent views of the Puget Sound? Or perhaps you have a secluded lakeshore cabin. You may want to consider making your property friendly to wildlife. On my property, there is a vernal … read more