Have you ever noticed when you run to the store for one particular item you usually end up grabbing a few more items than you intended? I’ve found by keeping a good stock of staple items I can make many different dishes from … read more
Americans love their pets. According to a recent report by NBC news, Americans will spend more than $60 billion — yes, billion — on their pets in 2016. Clearly, people are taking the term “furbaby” to heart and treating pets more like members … read more
Why humans and these tiny creatures are more...
Do you like to walk our beautiful Puget Sound beaches at low tide? Do you slowly stroll up and down the docks, staring into the water to catch a glimpse of the sea life lurking beneath the depths? If you do this with … read more
Editor’s note: Now that we know the benefits of mason bees, here’s what we can do to make West Sound bee-friendly. This is an excerpt from “Mason Bee Revolution: How the Hardest Working Bee Can Save the World One Backyard at a Time,” … read more
Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from “Make Room for What You Love,” the latest book just released from Seattle author Melissa Michaels, the creator of the popular blog The Inspired Room. 1. Lidded boxes, baskets and small trunks Keep an eye out … read more
If you have ever used an exfoliating body wash or facial scrub from a major manufacturer, chances are you’ve used a product containing microbeads. While these tiny particles may be good for removing dead skin, they are bad news for the environment. Beginning … read more
Bottle caps are among many kids’ favorite things to collect (perhaps for kids at heart too). If you’ve got an abundance, instead of discarding or thinning out your collection, use them for a weekend crafts project. Besides, your kids are asking for something … read more
The eighth annual Kitsap Wine Festival at Harborside Fountain Park returns with a celebration of food, wine and community Saturday, Aug. 13, from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Guests will enjoy live music, bites from local restaurants and tastings from Washington wineries and breweries, … read more
This year marks the Greater Gig Harbor Foundation’s 10th anniversary — and what better way to celebrate than with the community. On Saturday, Aug. 6, the foundation will host its inaugural #Community Myxer at the Harbor History Museum, starting at 7 p.m. The … read more