Downsizing, Part 4
You have made the decision to downsize, sorted all your stuff, gotten rid of loads of things, and planned for your new space. Now it is time to put the final touches on and actually move. Even though you have carefully planned your … read more
In the Market Now
As the days lengthen and get warmer, lighter meals are on the horizon. Quiche is a versatile dish that can be served for any meal of the day, hot from the oven or at room temperature. Fresh leeks are available most months of … read more
A common but lamentable occurrence in classical music is the disappearance or mishandling of certain composers and works. For example, Johann Sebastian Bach’s music was not in circulation at his death in 1750, and his local legacy was headed toward obscurity. It was … read more
Seventeen years ago, the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, together with other local law enforcement agencies, formed Kitsap Officers Supporting Special Olympics. Today, under the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) Campaign organization, local law enforcement officers, executive staffs and others have arranged their schedules … read more
Downsizing, Part 3
Now that you’ve decided you want to downsize into a smaller home and have put some thought into how to purge the things you don’t need, you need to think about how your new, downsized space will look. Preparing for this new space … read more
Washington ranks among the top 10 states for the highest rates of newly diagnosed cancerous melanoma of the skin, according to Washington State Department of Health. Data from the Washington State Cancer Registry (WSCR) shows that the rates have been increasing by about … read more
As the saying goes, big things come in small packages, and that may explain the burgeoning popularity of foil-packet recipes. Minimal preparation and cleanup are easy trade-offs for the immense flavors you can create in these tiny containers, whether you prepare them in … read more
Yellow birds, or those that are almost all yellow, are rare in the Pacific Northwest but there is more than one species. The American goldfinch, state bird for Washington, is the best known and the easiest to recognize. Small numbers visit feeding stations … read more
Adding excitement to your garden is easy. You can create instant, year-round color, structure, motion and fun to your landscape with a bit of garden art. Just like shopping for plants, look for pieces that complement your gardening style. And consider all the … read more