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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Design|Build 2017

The Baths Have It

Thinking of building or remodeling? Now is the time to make that dream bathroom a reality. You have many choices and options, bringing luxuries and new innovation to a room in your home. Sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, cabinets, lighting, flooring and more — … read more

Table Runners

Table Runners

Table runners — what an unexpected journey. In our wildest dreams of dreams, there are things we never think of, not in a million years. The most commonly overlooked items are often those we see every day yet never really notice, or those … read more

Colors 2017

Color of the Year for 2017 — Shadow

Benjamin Moore announced its Color of the Year — Shadow 2117-30, a rich, royal amethyst. The company also unveiled Color Trends 2017, a palette of 23 sophisticated hues ranging from muted pales to saturated deeps. In curating the palette, the Color Studio lent … read more

Sophisticated Farmhouse

A Sophisticated Farmhouse

This sleek, contemporary farmhouse challenges ideas of home and takes one on a journey of discovery. The owners are as unusual as their custom home — a corporate couple who traveled the world for business and pleasure and lived in several countries. Their … read more

Colvos Passage Home
Cover Feature

Home at Last — A Colvos Passage Home Set Apart

Driving through the sculptural gate and down the winding drive through the verdant green lawn dotted with carefully chosen trees and shrubs, there is a noticeable transition from the noise of the street to the sanctuary of private space. A pair of Chinese … read more

All colors referenced are included in the PANTONE FASHION + HOME color system. Consult current PANTONE color publications for accurate color.
Color/Design at a Crossroads

Pantone View home + interiors 2017: Finding the Most Directional Trends

When design decisions are being made, the question inevitably arises about the right color direction to take. What path will make you feel more comfortable in your home environment? The answer is in assessing your aspirations and lifestyle needs and using invigorated color/design … read more

Home Is What You Make It

Home Is What You Make It

When it comes to home improvement, Lyle and Eileen Beck of Poulsbo know their way around this not-so-old house. Over the past 12 years, the couple have performed plenty of projects in and around their sunny country home. From installing flooring, ceilings and … read more

Prime Real Estate

How to Reclaim the Prime Real Estate in Your Own House

Most of us have some idea in our minds about what “prime real estate” means. We sometimes use this phrase to discuss a particularly good location, a convenient parking spot or even (according to the Urban Dictionary) a desirable person. We probably also … read more

Design Advice from the Experts
Design in 2017

Design — Advice from the Experts

This is a great time of the year...

Trends in home design for 2017 run the gamut from simple and strong to bold and reclaimed. Tranquil baths, bold flooring and attention to reusable materials top the list. Just like in fashion trends, there are… always hot new colors and styles — … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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