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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Smart Toys

Are ‘Smart Toys’ a Dumb Gift Idea?

Techy toys make for some of the trendiest kids’ Christmas gifts, and what can be nerdier than interactive playthings and gadgets that give the adult versions — the likes of Alexa — a run for their money? Ask any child what’s cooler — … read more

The Bungalow is Back
Design|Build 2019A

The Bungalow is Back

A Poulsbo neighborhood of 1920s-style homes reflects Craftsman-style...

Walk into Wayne and Anne Blair’s Poulsbo bungalow and it could be 1918 rather than 2018. True to the aesthetic of the Arts and Crafts era, their home features a river-rock fireplace with a mantel shelf made of old-growth maple; stone countertops and … read more

Home Office Design
Design|Build 2019A

How to Design Your Home Office for Maximum Productivity

The life of a remote worker is the envy of every I-5 commuter. Who doesn’t dream of working from a home office, where every day is casual Friday and the commute is a 30-second stroll? It turns out, in West Sound, many people … read more

Remodeling Reports
Design|Build 2019A

Remodeling Projects with the Best Return on Investment

As summer approaches and the economy remains strong, homeowners are readying to turn their remodeling dreams into reality. The 31st Annual Remodeling Cost Vs. Value Report takes a deep dive into the 21 most popular remodeling projects in 149 markets. It examines trends … read more

Salone del Mobile
Design|Build 2019A

Trends from Across the Pond

2018 Innovations from Salone del Mobile Milano, Italy

The latest in European kitchen, bath and furnishing accessories design was on display in April on the Salone del Mobile campus in Milan, Italy. The 57th combined exhibition of EuroCucina, the International Bathroom Exhibition and the International Furnishings Accessories Exhibition included 1,841 exhibitors … read more

Barbara and Jim Rogers
Cover Feature

Barbara and Jim Rogers — Once Upon a Time…

Their love story began when Barbara and Jim Rogers met in a church youth group in Santa Barbara, California, while Barbara was in high school and Jim in college. Eventually young love blossomed into engagement and a wedding 54 years ago. In 1977, … read more

Urban, Contemporary Home and Garden on Morgan Hill

An Urban, Contemporary Home and Garden on Morgan Hill

John and Suzanne Pitts bought a small RV and traveled six months and 16,000 miles through the Western Territories of Canada and Alaska in 2013. At the same time, they were researching a new place to build and settle down for what might … read more

Extending the Home to the Outdoors
Design|Build 2018B

Extending the Home to the Outdoors

Outdoor living spaces for cooking and relaxing are gaining popularity in West Sound. Custom homes are being built with these spaces in mind during the design phase, while owners of existing homes are adding them when time and budgets allow. “Everybody likes outdoor … read more

Solar array at home in Olalla
Design|Build 2018B

Solar Homes — What you Need to Know before Going Solar

The sight of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on residential roofs around West Sound is no longer a novelty. Enticed by the idea of saving on their power bills — or perhaps the idea of helping save the planet — homeowners are joining the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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