Tag: woodworking

Hugh Montgomery in his shop

Master Woodworker Hugh Montgomery — The Touch to Transform Any Home

Hugh Montgomery, a custom furniture and cabinetry maker, sits in a small office, just off his noisy shop on Bainbridge Island, and tries to explain what he does. “I like to work with my hands,” says the 58-year-old carpenter. “I like to make … read more


BARN exterior

Learning and Creating Collaboratively at BARN

Nobel prize winning author Thomas Mann once said, “Art is to the community what dream is to the individual.” For Bainbridge Island’s BARN (Bainbridge Artisan Resource Network), it was the shared dreams of the area’s artists and makers that built a uniquely Bainbridge … read more


Doug Woodside, builder of the Big Chairs of Kingston

New ‘Big Chairs’ Pop Up Around Kingston

“It makes me feel like a child again!” Susan Rodgers smiles as she talks about sitting in one of the big Adirondack chairs that seem to be multiplying around Kingston. You can’t miss the “Big Chairs” if you walk off the ferry or … read more


Spirit of Horse Gallery

A Visit to SkyeLandeSea Farm is an Immersion in Magic

To visit Spirit of Horse Gallery at SkyeLandeSea Farm is to immerse yourself in artful magic. It is a result not only of planning but also of minds open to serendipitous revelations. A pair of ancient, carved Tibetan temple lions acknowledge your arrival. … read more

Kountry Korners Krazy Kreatures Art
Art in Public Places

Kountry Korners Krazy Kreatures

You can’t get to Kingston without passing the trolls! Folks from around the area aren’t certain about the history, but it is believed Mickey Whitbeck, who once owned the Kountry Korners store, recruited a carver from Forks. Whitbeck set him up next to … read more


This John Steiner chessboard, made from anigre, mahogany, maple, walnut and wenge, has a slight glow to it. Steiner was trying to capture the color mechanics of iridescence by using gradations of wood color.

Wood Varieties — Advantages, Care and Use

Last month I sat down with John Steiner to get his thoughts on woodworking — the cabinets and furniture pieces that he builds out of solid wood. Recently, I went back to his shop to discuss those woods. This is not an all-encompassing … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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