Tag: water


Seabeck — A Touch of New England

The Seabeck community has one of the most interesting histories in the state of Washington. Marshall Blinn and William Adams founded the community around 1856, when they sailed into the harbor after a trip from Maine that took them 196 days to complete. … read more

Beauty and the Beach

Beauty and the Beach

“Life is Short. Buy the Beach House,” says the sign in the kitchen. It’s a motto this family took to heart. Dan and Shannon* and their three daughters first discovered the joys of life by the water in Indianola, but the beach was … read more

Garden Tapestry

A Gardener’s Tapestry

Perched at the rise of a hill, near a dead-end road in Olalla, a small home is surrounded by artfully designed floral and shrub borders. Birds swoop downward into the small canyon on the far side of the property, then return to the … read more


Kitsap County forester Arno Bergstrom shares forest management practices with trainees at Port Gamble Heritage Park.

Become a Stream Steward to be Part of Local Eco Projects

Did you know that beavers act as engineers in our local Kitsap ecosystems to alter entire habitats? Or that simple barrels filled with the right materials can help keep our local salmon populations healthier? Join WSU Kitsap Extension’s annual Stream Stewards course this … read more

Vegetable garden with banana trees in the background

A Globe-Trotter’s Garden

On a south-facing bluff in Indianola sits a botanical “salad bowl” known as Windcliff. A garden mixture of plants from around the world, it houses a diverse array of species. Plants from China and Vietnam are well represented but South African species especially … read more


plastic wrapping

Is Your Dinner Contributing to Plastic Pollution in the Ocean?

Did you know that the choices your local grocery store makes can have a global impact on the environment? From the types and brands of seafood sold to the way foods are packaged and carried out of the store, oceans worldwide are affected … read more


Frozen Pipes

Tips for Keeping Your Pipes Safe this Winter

Burst water pipes due to freezing can leave you, your family and your home in a state of crisis. When water freezes in your pipes, they expand, and that expansion can cause a rupture. Typically, the rupture doesn’t occur at the point in … read more

An American dipper finds a tasty salmon egg in Chico Creek near Bremerton.

The Aquatic Songbird that Makes a Splash

Songbirds are not just frequent visitors to gardens and birdhouses. They are everywhere. Some species, like the dark-eyed junco, are ubiquitous, adapting to various environments. But others have special habitat requirements. For example, marsh wrens need marshes and sagebrush sparrows need sagebrush. A … read more


urban raised beds

The Art of Watering Your Garden

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt adapted from Byron Smith’s book, “Slow Down and Grow Something: The Urban Grower’s Recipe for Good Life,” recently published by Murdoch Books. Plants have naturally adapted to the climate in which they have evolved — that’s why … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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