Tag: water

A Place Apart

A Place Apart — The Home and Garden of Rick Gudmunson and Judi Cleghorn

In 1975, an almost derelict cottage overlooking Case Inlet sat overgrown with blackberry brambles. The previous owner, who was Judi Cleghorn’s uncle, had died, and when the estate was settled, Cleghorn and her husband, Rick Gudmunson, made arrangements to buy the little house. … read more


Chum salmon checking out the scene at Kitsap Salmon Tours (Photo by Cisco Valez)

The Salmon Are Coming! Come See Them at Kitsap Salmon Tours

It’s that time of year again — time to see Pacific salmon make their way home to the Kitsap streams, where their lives began. Not only does their migration offer a unique opportunity for people to observe this iconic species, but their journey … read more

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

Bremerton’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

One of the outstanding public spaces in Kitsap County is right in the heart of downtown Bremerton — the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza, a wonderful block-long park adjacent to the north end of the shipyard near the ferry terminal. The park … read more

Birdbaths are always popular in a garden. This one adds a bubbling fountain for a bronze girl to gaze in fascination.

Waterfalls in the Garden

Water is life, and in the garden, especially when the water moves in a rhythmic sound, it quenches the soul. More than half of the human body is made out of the liquid. No wonder we gravitate to it. We are water; water … read more

Foxtail lilies (Eremurus) are stunning in front of a smoke bush (Cotinus).

A Garden Sanctuary

For an avid gardener like Jeanne Cronce, the garden is where she spends a good portion of her waking life. For 36 years, the 5 acres that surround Robin and Jeanne Cronce’s log home has been a place for growing food, planting trees … read more

Cover Feature

Melanie Dressel and Windy Bluff

An Incomparable Home For a Visionary Woman

Melanie Dressel was a banker and the CEO of Columbia Bank. She knew values. She knew the value of small towns like Colville, Washington, where she grew up; and the value of her husband, Bob, and their family. She knew the value of … read more

Beautiful rainbow
Travel Bug

A Visit to the Amazon Rainforest

Let's Bungle in the Jungle

Visiting the Amazon Rainforest is akin to being a teeny insect in the greatest biodiverse area on the planet. It’s humongous and you will never see it all — 2.1 million square miles. One-fifth of the freshwater flowing into the Earth’s oceans comes … read more


kid safety

5 Tips for Keeping Your Young Kids Safe

We all like to think of our homes as secure havens where our families can retreat from the world in peace and comfort. While most of us do everything we can to protect our children from harm, records show that in the United … read more

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share
A Pleasure Garden

An Outdoor Space to Savor and Share

When Kathy Hawkins moved to this region after 40 years in Fairbanks, Alaska, where winters got to 60 degrees below, she threw herself into gardening, undeterred by deer. With tremendous energy and commitment, Hawkins has involved herself in the many gardening resources the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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