Tag: vacations

Top of Eisenhower Mountain, Living Desert
Travel Bug

Treasure Hunt in the Coachella Valley

Finding the Hidden Gems of the Greater Palm...

Washingtonians love the oasis of greater Palm Springs. Many “snowbirds” winter in the California desert known as the Coachella Valley. Others come for a “rain getaway,” enjoying a few days to golf and lying next to the pool. With over 300 days of … read more


travel trailer trip

Traveling? Plan Ahead for Your Fueling Needs

Memorial Day is approaching, bringing with it the unofficial launch of the spring and summer travel season. While air travel is steadily increasing, a larger-than-average number of travelers are expected to travel by car due to the pandemic. State leaders are encouraging travelers … read more

Pullman, Washington
Travel Bug

The Great American Road Trip

Ideas on Road Tripping in 2021

Finding your travel comfort zone is different for each person, as everyone navigates a new, partially vaccinated country still reeling from the pandemic. As in 2020, close-to-home staycations continue to dominate, but some people are venturing farther, even internationally, in this brave new … read more

La Perouse Bay, South Maui
Travel Bug

Maui Now: What to Know Before Visiting Maui During the Pandemic

Everyone could use a little Aloha right now. Living day to day during the pandemic has created stress in people’s lives. Jobs, families, health and economic futures hang in peril, while lockdown challenges sanity. Are you dreaming of some island time to shake … read more

Kayaking on Hood Canal, Seabeck
Travel Bug

Three Cottages to Get Away, Less than Three Hours Away

Cancelled vacations. Postponed honeymoons. Delayed holidays. This is how we will remember 2020. Travel plans all for naught. As this most-memorable year draws closer to an end, it might be the right time to plan a close-to-home getaway. A weekend or longer that … read more

Flic en Flac beach
Travel Bug

Magical Mauritius — Hidden Gem of the Indian Ocean

In the Indian Ocean southeast of the continent of Africa, some 1,200 miles off the coast, lies the idyllic volcanic island of Mauritius. A hidden gem of lush and beautiful beaches, excellent year-around weather and diverse cultural life. Logistics Most visitors will arrive … read more

Chiumbi Gorilla Lodge
Travel Bug

The Mountain Gorillas of Uganda — A Trek of a Lifetime

The mountains of Uganda and Congo bring to mind Hollywood stories like “King Kong” and “Gorillas in the Mist.” Known as the impenetrable jungle, this region makes trekking through dangerous and impossible without a guide. The 1988 film about the life of conservationist … read more

Rainbow over Victoria Falls, Zambia
Travel Bug

Africa’s Most Magnificent Waterfall

Easy, self-Guided, budget-friendly visit to Victoria Falls

The photos don’t do it justice. The immense size of Victoria Falls and the tremendous amount of water flowing is hard to describe — or capture with a camera. You really must experience it; hear the roar, feel the vibration, taste the mist, … read more


backyard vacation

Turn your Summer Vacation into a Relaxing Staycation

Does social distancing have you worried about your summer plans? For many, summer is the time for the family vacation. The kids are out of school, the weather is fantastic, and the days are longer — allowing optimal time to venture to new … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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