Tag: statepoint media


Battery Recycling

Recycle Old Batteries to Help Protect Your Home and the Environment

Is it time to finally declutter your junk drawers, closets, attic and basement? If these areas of your home contain used batteries, you’re in good company. One in five consumers store some or all of their used batteries from the past year, according … read more


plastic wrapping

Is Your Dinner Contributing to Plastic Pollution in the Ocean?

Did you know that the choices your local grocery store makes can have a global impact on the environment? From the types and brands of seafood sold to the way foods are packaged and carried out of the store, oceans worldwide are affected … read more


School Shoe Shopping

Back-to-School Shoe Shopping: Finding the Right Fit

As you’re counting down the last days of summer, you’re checking off to-do lists to make sure everyone is ready to head back to school. While binders, calculators and combination locks may be required, new shoes are almost always at the top of … read more


Safe Furniture

Are Your Home Furnishings Good for the Planet and Your Family?

Are you trying to select products that are good for the planet and your family at the same time? While it may be easy to understand what organic food is, confusion still exists when it comes to home furnishings. Yet what you bring … read more


garage organization

8 Tips for Maximizing Garage Storage

Most people are pressed for garage space, regardless of the size of their house, from DIYers overwhelmed with tools to moms searching for places to store holiday decorations. Toter, a leading manufacturer of carts, cans and containers for use in a wide range … read more


Tuna Sandwich

What to Know about Your Tuna Sandwich

Americans love their tuna. Indeed, United States is the largest market for canned tuna in the world. But according to experts, much of the nation’s canned tuna is not produced sustainably or ethically. “Many of the nation’s largest tuna producers continue to talk … read more


Outdoor Room Fire Pit

DIY Projects to Improve Your Outdoor Living Space

Are you taking advantage of your yard and maximizing its potential as a living space? All you need is a bit of time and energy to transform your yard into the perfect place to spend time with family and friends. “There are so … read more


(Photo © skumer — Fotolia.com)

Basic Tips for Better Nutrition

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by 'Putting Your Best...

Are you finding it difficult to keep up with your healthy New Year’s habits? Tackle those resolutions with renewed energy in March during National Nutrition Month and remember that small changes, made over time, can add up. The 2017 National Nutrition Month theme, … read more


(Photo courtesy Russell Van Kraayenberg)

Tips to Bake Pastries from Scratch

Even for talented cooks, dessert can be a different story, especially when you go beyond baking mixes to make pastries from scratch. “Pastries, and the doughs that give them life, have daunting reputations, but they’re not as complicated as they sound,” says Russel … read more

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