Tag: remodeling

Design Trends 2019
Design|Build 2019A

Design Trends in 2019 — Advice from the Experts

Every year, we gather our panel of design experts to discuss what are some of the hottest design trends. In 2019, expect to see more high-performing fabrics, natural-looking finishes, natural materials like wood, and more recycled and upcycled choices for the environmentally conscious. … read more


Smart Skylights

Smart-Tech Upgrades That Add Value and Function to Your Home

When smart-home technologies first emerged, their purpose was largely for convenience, and operating the devices was often clunky. Today, smart devices seamlessly integrate into connected home systems to make living more efficient, improve home security and even offer advantages for your health. If … read more


Metallic Furniture Styles

Tips for Using Metals in Home Décor

While trends in home decor often change, there is one constant design feature that continues to shine, literally: metals. Today, you can find creative ways to incorporate a regal touch that produces a timeless look with modern appeal. Take the Temperature A first … read more



Porcelain Tile vs. Ceramic: How to Choose without Jeopardizing Style

When installing tile, there’s the eternal question: Should you go for porcelain or ceramic tile? The answer will ultimately depend on your budget and what your list of pros and cons looks like. And let’s not forget the important question of style — … read more


Cordless Blinds

Window-Coverings Industry Switched to Cordless Products

If you’re used to buying corded window coverings, you’ll need to rethink your style — due to a new safety standard that went into effect Dec. 15, 2018, a vast majority of window covering products sold in the United States will be cordless … read more



5 Steps to Incorporate Universal Design into Your Home

As more homeowners opt to remodel their current homes for accessibility and safety, those concerns are particularly important in kitchens and bathrooms. Baby boomers should especially take into account the accessibility of their homes and improvements that can be made. Incorporate universal design … read more

Cat doors in an upstairs window allow Tresco to come and go as he pleases.

A Catwalk Project Fit for a Builder and His Cat

Lynn and Jim McIntyre’s garden is a bird sanctuary. Cedar waxwings visit each year to feed on red elderberry fruit. Nuthatches hop along the trunks of trees looking for insects. Pileated woodpeckers tear apart rotting wood in search of a meal, and sapsuckers … read more

Remodeling Reports
Design|Build 2019A

Remodeling Projects with the Best Return on Investment

As summer approaches and the economy remains strong, homeowners are readying to turn their remodeling dreams into reality. The 31st Annual Remodeling Cost Vs. Value Report takes a deep dive into the 21 most popular remodeling projects in 149 markets. It examines trends … read more



Top Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Paint Colors

With thousands of color options, selecting a perfect shade for a painting project can seem like an overwhelming and almost impossible task. These are the top painting mistakes and how you can avoid them for a smooth paint selection process. Mistake 1: Assuming … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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