Tag: plants

Foot bridge over the stream with a multitude of iris specimens

A Garden Worthy of Attention

Tucked away in the side roads and trees of Bainbridge Island is an eye-catching home garden. Barbara Weissman, with help from her husband, Eric, has coordinated the creation of garden space that is more than just pretty flowers, although there are plenty of … read more


(Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Boost Your Landscape’s Curb Appeal in One Weekend

Create a front garden that is sure to boost your mood and welcome visitors all year round. All you need is one weekend and a bit of paint, flowers, décor and edging material to boost your landscape’s curb appeal. The Front Door Add a … read more

Garden of the Rising Sun - After

Garden of the Rising Sun

A home with a view is a much-sought-after property to purchase. However, trees grow, homes spring up, and a once-grand vista sometimes diminishes or disappears. For Susan and John Erickson, this would not do. Fortunately, an empty lot between their home and a … read more

Hillside Perch
Cover Feature

A Hillside Perch for Aging in Place

The trend toward abandoning grassy front lawns in favor of perennial beds and vegetable gardening is taking hold, and none is more breathtaking than what Anne and Bob Knapp have created. Their two-story, custom home in Gig Harbor graces the irregularly shaped lot … read more


pot gardening

Victory Garden 2.0 — Growing in A Container

James H. Burdett did not address container growing in “The Victory Garden Manual,” but times were different in 1943. Today, growing edibles in containers is probably one of the fastest emerging trends. Plus, with vegetable breeders working on more compact varieties, your choices … read more



Garden Centers Are Open to Help You Grow Food at Home

Your local independent garden center is an essential community source providing you access to healthy, affordable food to grow at home. As an essential part of your community, garden centers are taking the required steps to serve you safely and protect their staff. … read more

The shed and raised demo beds

Historic Homestead Becomes Home to Gardens

Imagine being a young woman in Germany in the 1890s and coming alone over the Atlantic Ocean, and across the entire continental United States, to a remote peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. That is what young Dora Gummert did when she came to … read more

Bellevue Botanical Garden in autumn

Day Trip — The Region’s Finest Self-Guided Garden Tours

There is no such thing as a new idea, Mark Twain said. “We simply take a lot of old ideas, give them a turn and they make new and curious combinations.” Kitsap County is the home of several botanical wonders — among them … read more


Toddler in garden (Image by vikvarga via Pixabay)

Kids’ Garden-Themed Activities You Can Do Right Now

As we all face these unpredictable times, experts at KidsGardening created and shared these “tried and true,” plant-based activities that are joyful for any age and don’t involve any screen time. The national nonprofit reaches close to half of a million educators, parents … read more

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