Tag: planning


Auto Safety

5 Tire Safety Tips for Warm Weather

When it comes to staying safe on the roads — whether you’re traveling cross-country or just across town — routinely checking the condition of your tires can be imperative. While variables like road and weather conditions can also impact safety, it’s important to … read more


Natural Disaster Damage

Five Steps to Prepare Yourself Financially for a Natural Disaster

When a natural disaster strikes, moving your family to immediate safety is always the top priority, which means there is often little time to think about the financial details that can make the recovery process go smoothly. That’s why it’s crucial to be … read more



How to Prepare for Your Next Road Trip

Almost 100 million Americans will go on a family vacation sometime this year, and nearly half of them will choose to make it a road trip, according to AAA. If your family is one of them, you’ll want to be sure to make … read more


Assisted Living Retirement

The Evolution of Senior Care Includes More, Better Choices

Over the last several years, the design of new skilled nursing, assisted living and memory-care facilities has made a dramatic shift away from the traditional medical model to one highly focused on providing a comfortable home environment. The concept of the nursing home … read more


retirement living

How to Become Happier, Healthier and Younger in Retirement

We all understand and appreciate the need for sound financial planning during the years preceding retirement. Who hasn’t gone online to calculate the retirement “nest-egg” needs and then panicked because accumulating that much wealth seemed inconceivable, especially if starting the process at age … read more


boot cleats

Mayo Clinic’s 10 Tips for Avoiding Falls

During the winter season, you may need to pay closer attention to watching your step. But fall prevention is something you should work on year-round. Even if you’re active, healthy and full of life, statistics show that you have a greater chance of … read more

Home Office Design
Design|Build 2019A

How to Design Your Home Office for Maximum Productivity

The life of a remote worker is the envy of every I-5 commuter. Who doesn’t dream of working from a home office, where every day is casual Friday and the commute is a 30-second stroll? It turns out, in West Sound, many people … read more


College Enrollment

Is an Early College Application Right for Your High School Senior?

For many students, now is the time when their college lists have started to take shape. They’ve (hopefully) gotten ahead with their college essays, and now they’re sorting out one of the final pieces of the application puzzle: deadlines. After dedicating so much … read more


Tips for Organizing for Major Life Changes

Organizing for uproot and upheaval is a different story from organizing for settling into a space. Preparing for big changes in your household — which can be a happy, planned event such as a child’s graduation from high school or unplanned, such as … read more

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