Tag: outdoors


Western hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii, is one of the many plants named after David Douglas.

Scientific Names of Plants Demystified

My father, Dean Kelley, was a pharmaceutical representative for a drug company. When he retired, he volunteered his time as a Master Gardener in Pierce County. One time he was complaining to me that the scientific names of plants were hard to learn. … read more


Small Farms Kitsap

WSU Kitsap Offers Farm Business Planning Course

WSU Kitsap County Extension will offer its popular Ag Entrepreneurship Course on starting and sustaining a profitable small farm or agricultural enterprise beginning Jan. 28. Community members are invited to sign up for this intensive, hands-on learning opportunity. The course features a full … read more


Jay on Fence Post

Landscaping for Birds in Your Garden

The gardening magazines and catalogs that arrive in January are reminders that spring in the Northwest isn’t far off. Thinking about spring gardening chores is the perfect time to consider the birds we hope to attract to our yards in the coming months. … read more


How many barnacles can you count?

Winter’s the Perfect Time for the Beach

Winter is not your typical time to go to the beach. One, it’s cold. Two, it’s probably raining. Lastly, the tide is too high — that is, unless you plan your beach venture in the dark of the night. That’s right, around here … read more

A bench is a beautiful feature among the shrubs that are planted on the slope.

A Steep Slope Is Turned Into a Garden Paradise

When Rudell and Jay Hegnes moved into their Gig Harbor home in 2004, they faced a steep bank across their backyard and soggy clay soil that wouldn’t drain. Most homeowners would have considered the hill an obstacle in their landscaping plans. “We knew … read more

Camellia 'Setsugekka' was espeliered and grows next to the entrance of this home.
In The Garden

A Boost of Winter Color and Fragrance

After taking down the Christmas lights and all the bling is gone, January looks cold, dark and gray. Depressing. Does it have to be this way? Not if you plant a garden that looks good even during the coldest days of the year. … read more

Garden Planning

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Garden Planning • Moles and Tunneling Critters

Time to Plan and Learn When gardens are dormant, it’s the perfect time to take a class — or two or more. Check with your favorite local nursery and the WSU Kitsap County Extension Office for upcoming opportunities. Here are just a few … read more


Bird Seed Christmas Tree

Decorating a Bird’s Christmas Tree

If decorating a Christmas tree for the birds sounds like fun, there are a few important things to remember. The most important element as far as the birds are concerned is that it be decorated with food. Variety isn’t important but quality is. … read more


Orca whales sighted in Gig Harbor area (Photo by Katie Schmetzer)

Viewing Orca Whales Never Gets Old

It’s not rare to spot the iconic orca whale (Orcinus orca) here in the South Sound; you just have to know where to look. Whether you view them from a boat or from shore, it is always a delight. Orcas belong to the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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