Tag: outdoors

The hardscape and tightly clipped boxwood edging make a big impact at the Heronswood garden in Kingston, regardless of the season.

Garden Standouts for Extraordinary Landscapes

Every once in a while, a garden captures our hearts. Visitors want to linger, spirits are lifted, imaginations awaken. The smallest of gardens can make an enormous impact. What is that extra ingredient that transforms an ordinary landscape into an extraordinary one? Gardens … read more

Enchanting, Colorful Garden comes from Creative Evolution

Enchanting, Colorful Garden Comes from Creative Evolution

A walk through Lisa and Glenn Eastep’s garden makes it clear that creative minds are at work here — from the clipped gables and rolled-edge roof of the cottage-style home they designed to the inviting, arched entry gate and the foliage colors that … read more


American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)

Interesting Winter Bird Flocks

Pine siskins, American goldfinches and common redpolls are cousins, members of the large finch family. During the winter months, they frequently flock together in the search for food. Flocks of pine siskins can grow into the hundreds at this time. You have to … read more


garage organization

8 Tips for Maximizing Garage Storage

Most people are pressed for garage space, regardless of the size of their house, from DIYers overwhelmed with tools to moms searching for places to store holiday decorations. Toter, a leading manufacturer of carts, cans and containers for use in a wide range … read more


Eschscholzia californica, commonly known as the California poppy is an easy-to-grow, drought-tolerant plant common in wildflower mixes. It's also California's state flower.

Ephemeral Flowers for Seasonal Color

Editor’s note: This excerpt was adapted from “The Colorful Dry Garden,” used by permission of Sasquatch Books. The word ephemeral defines anything that lives for just a short time. It’s often used to define annual flowering plants, which grow from seed, mature, flower … read more


generator safety

Tips for Operating Your Generator Safely this Winter

Generators are critical during severe weather events, when the power can go out, as well as bringing power to remote job sites and in disaster recovery and emergencies. “Not having power when you need it is frustrating, so a generator can provide emergency … read more


Toxic Garden Plants

Dip a toe into the world of herbalism, and a whole new world will open up. Just like Alice falling through the rabbit hole and discovering an unexpected Wonderland, the quest to learn about the powerful properties of plants can open such a … read more

Succulent planter from Valley Nursery

Succulents — Coming in from the Cold

The fat, fleshy leaves of succulents evoke dry summer heat. Sometimes blushed with rosy hues that hint of a California sunset, their closely held forms murmur memories of desert light. During the sodden, short days of Pacific Northwest winters, a tabletop planter of … read more

Western scrub-jay

Time to Count Birds

Counting birds in the middle of winter may not make sense but this is a tradition that goes back over a hundred years. It is a tradition that replaced another one known as the Christmas “Side Hunt.” Before the turn of the century, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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