Tag: outdoors


How to Identify Common Rhodie Problems

Rhododendrons are beginning to bloom their hearts out. They thrive in this region but are not without their share of hungry pests and sneaky diseases. A little understanding of common rhododendron problems is useful for maintaining healthy specimens. Trying to identify plant problems … read more


Gig Harbor Beer Fest

Enjoy 25 Craft Breweries and Live Music at Annual Gig Harbor Beer Fest

The unofficial summer kickoff in Gig Harbor starts with an annual fundraiser benefitting the Gig Harbor Kiwanis. The Eighth Annual Gig Harbor Beer Festival on Saturday, May 18, brings 25 brewers to the Uptown Gig Harbor Pavilion from noon to 5 p.m. — … read more


Rural Land Development

How to Create a Plan for Your Rural Property

Editor’s note: These tips were adapted with permission from the brochure “Tips for Water and Rural Management for Puget Sound Rural Living” by the Puget Sound Conservation Districts, adapted from “Tips on Land and Water Management for Small Farms and Ranches in Montana,” … read more

Rice paper plant (Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant') has large, typically evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage.

Extreme Leaf Drama

Pull on your digging boots and grab your shovel. After reading this, you are going to need more garden space. Bigger is better, right? Maybe — yet for foliage, it depends on where the plant grows. For whatever reason plants grow humongous vegetation, … read more



The Thrill of the Grill — Why Do You Do It?

Americans have a long-standing love affair with grilling. This relationship started many years ago. Our ancestors first learned to cook over an open flame, and today grilling has become a year-round lifestyle choice, with many preferring to cook outdoors on the grill. Why … read more


Yard Waste

How to Protect Your Soil while Preventing Pollution

Editor’s note: These tips were adapted with permission from the brochure “Tips for Water and Rural Management for Puget Sound Rural Living” by the Puget Sound Conservation Districts, adapted from “Tips on Land and Water Management for Small Farms and Ranches in Montana,” … read more


Know Your Soil

Know Your Soil Before You Garden

Editor’s note: These tips were adapted with permission from the brochure “Tips for Water and Rural Management for Puget Sound Rural Living” by the Puget Sound Conservation Districts, adapted from “Tips on Land and Water Management for Small Farms and Ranches in Montana,” … read more

A male bushtit carries lichen for nesting material by Long Lake near Port Orchard.

The Pint-Sized Powerhouse of Structural Engineering

Small songbirds are easy to overlook. Most people will notice a bald eagle on a pole but will miss a little gray bird in a nearby shrub. In the world of birds, the largest ones will always make a lasting impression. Someone seeing … read more

garden books

Gardening Books to Read This Spring

Now that spring is officially here and all the bulbs, annuals and shrubs are planted, perhaps there is time to breathe a little between pulling weeds and watering to do some garden reading. With the Pacific Northwest being a gardener’s paradise, expertise abounds, … read more

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