Tag: northwest

Winter Skin Care with Herbs

Winter Skin Care with Herbs

As winter dampness settles in, the changing season alters the way people take care of their skin. Indoor heat can be drying, as furnaces and heaters take humidity from the air. Indoor air can be stuffy too, and the cold dampness chills to … read more

Highside Distillery distiller
The Sip

West Sound’s Craft Distilleries

Washington is a great place to be a craft beverage connoisseur or even just a craft beverage consumer. The state is home to over 1,000 wineries, 417 breweries and 120 distilleries. Kitsap County alone has two top-quality distilleries — and Gig Harbor’s Heritage … read more

Remodeling Step by Step

Remodeling Step by Step, Slow and Steady

A sequenced remodel transformed an overgrown Hood Canal...

Patience is a virtue, so it’s said. For Steve and Theresa Erickson of Poulsbo, it’s also the key to their remarkable home remodel, one that met the couple’s expectations in nearly every way. Working with architect Wayne LaMont and Sentinel Construction’s Dave Godbolt … read more

This fantastic little shrub fits into small spaces, but the flowers are as large as any other mophead hydrangea. (Photo courtesy Debbie Teashon)

New Plants for a New Year

Avid gardeners have a lot to celebrate in the New Year — a fresh garden season and innovative, new plant introductions for the garden. Here are some exciting new varieties to look for at your local garden centers. If you don’t find them … read more


winter workouts

How to Work Out in Cold Weather

As the weather gets colder outside, do you debate heading out for that run or recreation? Are cold-weather workouts good for your health or should you avoid them? Women’s Health magazine claims that exercising out in the cold has health benefits over warm-weather … read more

The 2020 CVG Show

The 2020 CVG Show

Collective Visions’ 13th Annual CVG Show takes place in January and February. The CVG Show is a significant artistic event that benefits the entire Puget Sound area. Visitors come from all over the state for the show, which is now one of the … read more


Gravel Tray

Increase Indoor Garden Success with Proper Watering

Too much of a good thing can mean death for indoor plants. Overwatering is a good example of this, and a common problem for indoor gardeners. For others, it’s the opposite extreme, allowing plants to go too dry. Knowing when to water your … read more

Carlisle II

The Last of the Famous Mosquito Fleet

The Carlisle II is the last remnant of the once-famous Mosquito Fleet and is the oldest continually operating ferry boat in the Pacific Northwest. The wonderful old ferry is currently in dry dock but will resume its hourly service between downtown Bremerton and … read more

Kitsap History Museum

A Journey Back through Kitsap Time

To really understand a place, take a look at its past. Knowing what things were like a century or two ago gives us clues to how we got to where we are today. A trip to the Kitsap History Museum in downtown Bremerton … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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