Tag: northwest



Considering a Greenhouse? Keep These Tips in Mind

During the pandemic lockdown, many homeowners had a renewed interest in greenhouses. If you’ve been inspired to think about owning a glasshouse or greenhouse for the first time, but you don’t know where to start, Hartley Botanic — a manufacturer of handmade English … read more


Tacoma-based artist Tara Anne Chugh will perform classics from Frank Sinatra to John Legend with a soulful twist.

Special Dinner Raises Funds to Fight Against Community Hunger

The Community Table, an “Evening Against Hunger, is a special dinner on June 11 in Gig Harbor that will raise critical funds for local programs working to ensure area families essential food needs are met. The event is a collaboration between chefs, Uptown … read more


Royal Glamini Blend from Breck's — Year of the Gladiolus

Tips for Growing Gladiolus in Your Garden

Gladiolus are as American as apple pie. Generations of gardeners, from Maine to Western Washington, have tucked these summer-blooming bulbs into their gardens in spring, delighted by the gorgeous flower spikes that appear just a few months later. Buckets of long-stemmed glads are … read more

Petal and Pitchfork
Growing Together

Poulsbo’s Petal and Pitchfork Farm Takes on New Life as a Cooperative Flower Farm

Stacy Marshall of Petal and Pitchfork loves flowers. She likes them so much that, in 2022, she transitioned her 15-acre farm from vegetable production to flowers. Marshall and her husband, Kelsey, are the community-minded owners of local coffee marketer Grounds for Change. The … read more

Allium giganteum

Allium’s Ornamental Stars

Nature did not create all flowers equal when it came to fragrance. When you view a flower, you instinctively want to bury your nose in it to get a whiff of its scent. Alliums will give you that, just not the sweet aroma … read more

Il Lucano

Restaurants Create Innovative Solutions

Mental health experts say that socializing with friends is one of the most important activities you can experience for emotional wellbeing. And what can be a more pleasurable activity than enjoying good food and drink in an aesthetically pleasing, jovial environment? Eating in … read more


Raised Bed Drip Line Irrigation Kits with closer drippers are more effective at watering small areas like raised beds. (Photo courtesy of Gardener's Supply Company)

Sustainable Water Use in the Landscape

No matter where we live, the conservation and wise use of water in our gardens and landscapes is important. Sustainable water use helps grow beautiful gardens while conserving water and helping reduce water pollution and stormwater overflows. Amend the soil with compost or … read more

The Salmon Center - Involved

The Salmon Center in Belfair

Have you been to Bremerton? Have you met “the Ancient One?” Do you hear the storytellers? Grab the kids. Grab the neighbors and anyone who wants to get out, have fun and help the community. Get ready for a wonderful June with art, … read more

Best of West Sound

Best of West Sound Results 2022

WestSound Magazine presents the annual Best of West Sound results for 2022! Entries have been submitted from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor. On this page we’ve listed the businesses and places you love the most. Enjoy! Best Seafood Restaurant Boat … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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