Tag: northwest

A least sandpiper runs through a rain puddle on a sandy beach.

A Summer Sweep Through the Peeps

Birds are fascinating creatures that can be found in almost any place. Species have adaptations for their lifestyles and may differ considerably from other genres. For example, penguins and hummingbirds have little in common. Woodpeckers and albatrosses are worlds apart. Even within some … read more

2022 scholarship recipients with Marilyn Colyar (far right,) who leads the scholarship group and the community engagement group

Heron’s Key — Residents Support Education for Local Students, Community

Heron’s Key, a Gig Harbor nonprofit senior housing and service organization, is making a concerted effort to support local education and many of Gig Harbor’s schools through resident-led scholarship programs and community engagement groups. The Heron’s Key Scholarship Group completed its sixth annual … read more

Adler Garden

A ‘Real Garden’ Thrives with Natural Habitat and Stunning Plants

Tucked away on Eagle Harbor’s south side, in the Eagledale neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, is a charming, private garden offering its owners year-round beauty and joy. Designed by Bainbridge Island garden designer Teri Cole, the garden makes best use of its natural habitat, … read more


A hungry deer grazing in a garden.

Design a Deer-Resistant Garden Without the Fence

Deer are common visitors to landscapes even in urban and suburban areas. Fencing is the most effective way to protect your plants but is not always practical or desirable. Your community may have restrictions on fencing, your budget may not support this option … read more

Kingston Fourth of July

It Takes a Village

...of Volunteers to Celebrate July Fourth

Legend has it that Kingston’s Fourth of July parade is the longest continually running Independence Day parade west of the Mississippi. And while the organizers may not be able to verify that statement, they challenge any town to prove it wrong. Today, the … read more

Rhododendron Dream

Rhododendron Dream

Sometimes we need to see things from a new angle, in order to realize how wonderful something truly is. Charmond Adkins of Poulsbo found this to be true the rhododendron flower. “I got interested in rhododendrons about 40 years ago, when I first … read more

(Photo courtesy Kitsap Juvenile Department)

Community and Learning Gardens

West Sound abounds in opportunities to enjoy gardens and gardening. It’s been said that the Pacific Northwest is heaven for gardeners. But what if a person has no space to garden? Not even in containers? The answer is community gardens, also known as … read more

Craft Hair Studio

Hair Artist McKenzie Eddy

An interview with the owner of Craft Hair...

CS: What sparked your idea? Eddy: I saw a need in Kitsap for a salon that not only specializes in hair extensions and clean beauty, but also offers price transparency and inclusivity. CS: What is your design style? Eddy: Craft Hair Studio is … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour 2023

Gig Harbor Garden Tour — An Inspiration for All Gardeners

After a season of unusual cold and snow, it is a gardener’s joy to see spring shoots promising summer abundance. This year’s annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour offers a rich summer palette of color, natural foliage, manicured pathways and a natural forest. There … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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