Tag: northwest

Minimalist Living Thoroughly Modern Tranquility

Minimalist Living — Thoroughly Modern Tranquility

Off a narrow, wooded road on Bainbridge Island, a long, tidy gravel driveway leads through the trees. Past the unremarkable gate at the top of the drive, visitors enter the hushed tranquility of the forest. Large trees rise up on both sides and, … read more


Harlequin Duck

Fall Birdwatching Field Trips on Washington’s Ferries

Western Washington’s ferryboat fleet provides two ways to enjoy fall birdwatching. Not only can you take a round-trip ride as a passenger to see different birds, you can bird around your favorite ferry terminal. Several unique species hang out near these easily accessible … read more

Hamamelis x intermedia, witch hazel Small trees, choice in the Pacific Northwest. Shredded-cheese blossoms in yellows and bronzes appear at the end of winter and last for several weeks. Most varieties are fragrant. They take full sun or partial shade.

The Voodoo Garden — Good Help is Hard to Find

Welcome to my garden. Open the gate and step in, but mind the brambles and thorns. Careful to not crush the bleeding heart. Don’t bump the spiny eccentricity of the Solanum pyracanthum unless you like a good blood-letting. And watch the vines; they … read more


My 15-year-old cousin, Allison, visited from southern California in August and got hooked on picking chanterelles.

Finding Gold in the Forest: Chanterelle Mushrooms

Walking gingerly, I trained my eye for the golden color that is so easily mistaken for leaves or bare sticks. It was early September, and there was a recent rain, so my mother and I were out on the mossy slopes of a … read more

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Tips for Planting Out of Season

Normally, the best time of the year to plant any plant, including our native plants, is during the dormant season. In Western Washington, that time is generally late October through early February. Fall planted plants have a longer time to take advantage of … read more

Tulipa 'Ballade Dream'

Too Many Bulbs — Not Enough Time

No project ever seems to be without a glitch, and for me fall bulb-planting season is filled with a series of glitches and hurdles in a race against time. Yet at the end of summer, I am ready to face the season of … read more

Country Charm — History, family take center stage at Fox Island home

Country Charm

History, family take center stage at Fox Island...

Sue Spencer still recalls the day she received a call at 2 a.m. from her husband, Bill, announcing he found their dream home. It was summer of 1973, and Bill had moved to Washington with a job from Nalley Foods while Sue, who … read more


The beach at Guillemot Cove Nature Reserve, which is owned by Kitsap County, can be accessed through one of the trails and has beautiful views of "the Brothers." (Photo by Rodika Tollefson)
Trail Basics — Part 1

5 Tips for Safe and Fun Exercising on the Trails

It’s no secret (or surprise) that more and more people are heading to the trails for their regular exercise, whether walking/hiking or running. Whether you are new to the trails or have countless trail hours under your belt, there are some basic tips … read more

Visiting Bremerton

Visiting Bremerton — A Cultural Attraction for All Senses

Although Bremerton is not a major shopping destination on the peninsula, it makes up for it with other unique attractions. The large number of performing arts organizations and venues that call Bremerton home, the mix of public art and galleries, and the highest … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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