Tag: learning

Magnolia Preschool

Four Seasons of Fun and Discovery

At the outdoors Magnolia Forest Preschool, any weather...

Every day is a good day to be a child at a park, and today is no exception. At the group camping site of Kitsap Memorial State Park, several small children are seated in thoughtful conversation beneath the trees. Close by, a little … read more


kids learning

Three Fun, Easy Ways to Keep Kids Learning During Summer

With school out, summertime brings long, carefree days of play and fun. It can be easy to forget how much children learn through play, but they have a natural sense of curiosity. With a little thought and a few supplies, summer is a … read more

Digital movie making with iPad kits at the Bremerton Branch of Kitsap Regional Library (Photo courtesy Megan Burton)

Libraries Evolve to Keep Up with New Tech

As ingrained into American culture as apple pie, public libraries have been, in the words of Franklin D. Roosevelt, “the great symbols of the freedom of the mind.” Embedded into their communities, they became not just an institution that multiple generations have relied … read more


off to college

How to Navigate the College Search Process with Your High School Student

Editor’s note: College search should be in high gear if your child is a senior. Since this can be quite overwhelming, WestSound Magazine asked Bhavin Parikh, CEO and founder of test-prep company Magoosh, five questions to help parents and students navigate this process. … read more

Learning in the 21st Century

Worldwide Movement Spreads to West Sound

Josh Rosenberg is only in sixth grade, but he’s already decided on his dream job: He wants to work for Pixar, creating animations or effects for films like Toy Story. Which is why every chance he gets, the Hyla Middle School student spends … read more


Tips on How to Successfully Read to Your Child

Five Tips on How to Successfully Read to Your Child

Reading has the enduring power to shape and develop minds, both in the home and classroom. The urgency to make the teaching of reading as effective and enjoying as possible should always be reinforced at home. The goal must be to show every … read more

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