Tag: kitchen

Luxe Petite

Luxe Petite — A Lot of Luxury Packed into One Little Home

It started as a dare of sorts. A joke. A thought exercise, really. Joe and Judy Gates, owners of Joe Gates Construction of Poulsbo, were daydreaming. What if they built themselves a new home from the ground up? What would it look like? … read more


Sink allowing easy access for wheelchairs

Planning to “Age In Place”

If you are planning to stay there into your “golden” years, it is smart to plan with “aging in place” in mind when you are building or remodeling your home. Some people want to have a “forever home” where they can live well … read more


(Photo © skumer — Fotolia.com)

Basic Tips for Better Nutrition

Celebrate National Nutrition Month by 'Putting Your Best...

Are you finding it difficult to keep up with your healthy New Year’s habits? Tackle those resolutions with renewed energy in March during National Nutrition Month and remember that small changes, made over time, can add up. The 2017 National Nutrition Month theme, … read more

Garden Capers
Cover Feature

Garden Capers

The Fox Island Home and Garden of Lucinda...

Some homes nestle quietly into their surroundings and appear as if they have been there for centuries. Tudor-style architecture is neither particularly rare nor common in the Northwest, and occasionally one stumbles upon a home that simply speaks to the heart. Such is … read more

Debbie Mihali's small greenhouse produces delicious tomatoes and more all winter long.

Winter Kitchen Gardens

Keeping it Green Both Outdoors and Indoors

“Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself?” ~ Henry David Thoreau Ever since people stopped wandering and put down roots, there has been a special place set aside from which they cultivated herbs, … read more

Table Runners

Table Runners

Table runners — what an unexpected journey. In our wildest dreams of dreams, there are things we never think of, not in a million years. The most commonly overlooked items are often those we see every day yet never really notice, or those … read more

Sophisticated Farmhouse

A Sophisticated Farmhouse

This sleek, contemporary farmhouse challenges ideas of home and takes one on a journey of discovery. The owners are as unusual as their custom home — a corporate couple who traveled the world for business and pleasure and lived in several countries. Their … read more

Nightshade Manette

Nightshade Manette

Succulent Cuisine that's Good for the Planet

Can’t everyone just get along? At Nightshade Manette in East Bremerton, vegetarians and omnivores can. Nightshade is the most recent delicious result of the partnership between married couple Kimberley Campbell and Erik Kleiva. Campbell and Kleiva have owned and operated the popular Port … read more

Colvos Passage Home
Cover Feature

Home at Last — A Colvos Passage Home Set Apart

Driving through the sculptural gate and down the winding drive through the verdant green lawn dotted with carefully chosen trees and shrubs, there is a noticeable transition from the noise of the street to the sanctuary of private space. A pair of Chinese … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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