Tag: horticulture


Manchester Library Plant Sale

Annual Plant Sale Helps Keep Roof over Manchester Library’s Home

As the cornerstone of a healthy community, libraries are more than books. No one understands this more than the Friends of the Manchester Library, whose commitment to the residents of Manchester has spanned more than four decades. The Annual Plant & Book Sale … read more



Enjoy the Year of the Tulip

Tulips are equated with spring, and every year between late March and mid May, millions of people flock to see acres of these iconic flowers in bloom during tulip festivals throughout Western Washington. This year, the National Garden Bureau named the tulip “perennial … read more

The delicate maiden hair fern, Adiantum tracyi


Dave and Lori Gibson's Fern Garden

Many gardeners dream of sunshine, of borders overflowing with flowering perennials and sun-loving shrubs. This especially holds true for people who are moving to the Puget Sound area from the sunny states of California, Arizona and others. Faced with the gorgeous and tall … read more

Bloedel Reserve

The Caretaker

Simply defined, a garden is a collaboration between nature and people. Plants cannot be willed to do what you want. They must be treated as partners and given what they need for water, light, soil, climate and so on. In return, gardens will … read more


Book: Hanging Kokedama

Add Beauty to Your Home with the Japanese Art of Kokedama

Editor’s note: This excerpt is adapted from the newly released book, “Hanging Kokedama: Creating Potless Plants for the Home” by Coraleigh Parker. A variant of bonsai, kokedama is the Japanese art of creating potless plants using a unique soil mixture, moss and string. … read more


Raised beds and multipurpose potting benches can add both beauty and functionality to your patio or deck.

Take It Up a Notch Out Back — Adding Appeal to your Patio or Deck

Summer means time spent gardening and relaxing with friends. And just like the kitchen in winter, the patio or deck tends to be the gathering spot when the weather turns warm. Get the most from this space with a bit of preseason planning … read more

Valley Nursery
Spotlight on Independent Nurseries

Poulsbo’s Valley Nursery

One of the first sights you will see as you arrive at Valley Nursery in Poulsbo is a statue that a local wood carver made in the late 1980s. This mascot was named as the result of a contest and has been known … read more

Tiny Tetons at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show

Beat the Winter Blues, Plan a Dream Garden

Today the wind is blowing the rain sideways. West Sound has not seen the temperature rise much above the low 40s for over a month. After the winter solstice, many people turn their thoughts to their garden. Every day there are more minutes … read more


Field ready for planting
In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 1: Fruits and Vegetables

What is the big fuss about buying organic produce and organically grown meats, as opposed to those products that are conventionally grown? Budget-conscious buyers will usually opt for the lesser-priced option, which typically, but not always, is conventionally grown. Next to price, the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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