Tag: holidays


Easter bunny butt cake

A Hoppy Easter Cake

Easter is almost here, and the big bunny himself will be hopping around in no time delivering goodies. Celebrate with this delicious and colorful Easter Bunny Butt Cake. It can bring smiles and laughter while putting everyone in a light, joyful mood. This … read more


Irish Potato Bread

Baked Bread to Celebrate St. Patty’s Day

From hearty stews to minty pies, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are all about enjoying the flavors of the holiday. Whether you’re cooking up a full meal or simply serving appetizers, this Irish Potato Bread makes for a simple, tasty snack to feed your … read more


happy valentine

Create a ‘Wellness Box’ for Your Special Valentine

When you’re creating that perfect Valentine’s Day in mind this year, it’s the perfect time to keep wellness in mind. Michelle Harris, TV host of Alive & Well, recommends creating a custom wellness box for a personalized wellness experience. Harris offers the following … read more


financial worries

Five Steps to Avoiding Money Disagreements for Couples

Love is in the air as Valentine’s Day approaches. But one of the most-common reasons relationships don’t make it is because two people don’t see eye-to-eye on money. How can you save your relationship and work through these differences? Here are some tips … read more

Decking the Halls

Decking the Halls

Christmas starts in October at Ann Ryan’s home on Oyster Bay. That’s when she hauls out the boxes and boxes of holiday decorations she’s collected over the years and starts decking the halls of the 100-year-old home. Ryan’s collection includes Christmas-themed paintings, dozens … read more


A Visit with Santa

Yes, there is a Santa Claus. He lives on the Key Peninsula when he is not at the North Pole tending his reindeer or supervising the elves in the toy shop. His “Ho! Ho! Ho!” is most convincing, and he has a bag … read more


(Photo: © Sasha_Suzi / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

Four Things You Can Do While Home for the Holidays

During the holidays, you may be seeking comfort, whether that’s the comfort of home — or anywhere but home. With travel precautions making possibilities somewhat limited this year, you may not be able to take the exact trip you’ve been dreaming about. However, … read more

Christmas Lights and Cookie Delights

Christmas Lights and Cookie Delights

Don and Nancy Davenport have always hung Christmas lights on the front of their house, which is situated at the end of a long driveway on a cul-de-sac in Gig Harbor. “Because our house sits back so far from the street, hardly anyone … read more


Christmas Distancing

Five Ways to Celebrate the Holidays with Family while Social Distancing

Although heading into the holidays looks a bit different this year, that doesn’t mean those who are staying home have to miss out on all of the spirited activities and quality time that we look forward to all year. There are many ways … read more

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