Tag: garden

Fuchsia 'Santa Claus'

The Hardy Fuchsias of Fall

It is said that people who love fuchsias, really love them. With three generations of fuchsia lovers in my family, I was destined to fall in love with them too. I remember my grandmother’s hanging baskets overflowing with fuchsia branches smothered in blousy, … read more


Fall Yard Leaf Management

Collected Yard Debris Get New Life as Next Year’s Compost

Now that fall is upon us, I have started to notice the changing leaves on my way to and from the office. The beautiful colors of fall always bring a smile to my face, but the mess that follows from falling debris quickly … read more

Jean Boyle and Bethany McDonald — A Tale of Two Sisters and Their Gardens
Jean Boyle and Bethany McDonald

A Tale of Two Sisters and Their Gardens

Sisters Jean Boyle and Bethany McDonald live in Suquamish just a short walk from each other. They are often mistaken for twins but one is actually older than the other by nearly two years. McDonald has gardened in Suquamish for 35 years, but … read more

Plant material pressed in a flower press

Creating Pressed Botanicals for Décor — The Art of the Herbarium

Plant gathering and preservation for identification has its foundations in history and early botanical plant hunting. Plants in modern gardens have their origins from all over the world, as botanists journeyed to distant lands. As the West was discovered, Lewis and Clark collected … read more


Use Nature as Inspiration for Pruning

Use Nature as Inspiration for Pruning

I hope you’ve had many opportunities to get out into some of our wilderness areas to experience nature untouched by human hands. Did you marvel, as I have, at the overwhelming beauty of these natural landscapes? Nature is a very gifted designer and … read more


Gardening With Peg

Plants for Year-Round Interest

When selecting plants for landscaping, you’ll find several types for extending interest in the garden for more than three seasons. Roses, hydrangeas, hardy fuchsias and conifers are just some examples. In this video, you’ll see Lacecap hydrangea, Rosa glauca, Abies koreana ‘Horstmann’s Silverlocke’ … read more

Hamamelis x intermedia, witch hazel Small trees, choice in the Pacific Northwest. Shredded-cheese blossoms in yellows and bronzes appear at the end of winter and last for several weeks. Most varieties are fragrant. They take full sun or partial shade.

The Voodoo Garden — Good Help is Hard to Find

Welcome to my garden. Open the gate and step in, but mind the brambles and thorns. Careful to not crush the bleeding heart. Don’t bump the spiny eccentricity of the Solanum pyracanthum unless you like a good blood-letting. And watch the vines; they … read more


Washington’s State Flower — Rhodies

There’s a reason why Rhododendron macrophyllum is the Washington state flower. These beauties grow really well here. In May these plants are festooned with pink blossoms brightening the forested edges of highways and roadsides. Their many attributes make them great plants to consider … read more


Container Gardens

Fall Fashion for Container Gardens

The days are getting shorter and the mornings have a misty coolness to them. Now that fall is officially here, it’s time to change out summer color plantings and potted color gardens. It is much like changing your wardrobe for the season; the … read more

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