Tag: garden


(Photo by David E. Perry)

‘Oasis in the City’ Adds ‘Open Garden Fridays’

Albers Vista Gardens has extended its hours of operation — it will be open to the public every Friday, noon to 4, from June 23 through Oct. 20. A guide will be available to escort individuals or small groups on a leisurely walk … read more


Decorative fences are an effective way to hide composting stations conveniently tucked behind gardens in the landscape.

Enjoy an Attractive and Convenient Composting Station

Make recycling green debris into compost convenient and attractive. Create a space you and your neighbors will appreciate. And locate composting in a convenient area that is easy to access and manage, so you are more likely to do it. You’ll quickly recoup … read more

Every gardener should have at least one furry companion in the garden. Two are even better! (The author with her friends)

Gardening With Dogs

Every mutt, no matter the pedigree, has its own personality. A tiny dog can have a huge presence, self-confidence and the need for mental stimulation despite its small size. A large one may spend the happiest moments napping in a quiet spot in … read more


Ready to serve
In the Market Now

Late-Spring Vegetables and Mushrooms

As the days lengthen and get warmer, lighter meals are on the horizon. Quiche is a versatile dish that can be served for any meal of the day, hot from the oven or at room temperature. Fresh leeks are available most months of … read more

Bainbridge In Bloom

Bainbridge In Bloom — Masterful Musicians and Inspiring Landscapes

The Bainbridge In Bloom Garden Tour, a perennial favorite of Northwest home and garden enthusiasts, returns for its 29th year June 3-4 on Bainbridge Island. Presented by Arts & Humanities Bainbridge, Bainbridge In Bloom draws visitors from around the region and the country. … read more

Cush for Your Tush

Some Cush for Your Tush in the Garden

Have a seat, not just any seat. Be it a throne fit for a king or a lowly stool to plant the body down for a quick rest. A garden seat has many purposes in the garden. It comes in all shapes and … read more


The Kaleidoscope Tomato Cage provides a sturdy support for tomato plants while adding color to the landscape. (Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Add Some Extra Appeal to Your Landscape with Garden Art

Adding excitement to your garden is easy. You can create instant, year-round color, structure, motion and fun to your landscape with a bit of garden art. Just like shopping for plants, look for pieces that complement your gardening style. And consider all the … read more

Calhoun exhibit garden ready for judging and viewing by the public

The Magical Transformation of the Washington State Convention Center

Once a year, for the past 29 years, the Northwest Flower and Garden Show has awakened visitors’ senses to the sights and sounds of spring, but the magic does not happen overnight. It’s a choreography that begins during the current show, and work … read more


Mason bee homes made out of reclaimed materials then given a crafty paint job. All parts are removable, if needed.

Better Garden Bounty with the Help of Mason Bees

I am not a mason bee expert but I recognize and benefit from their hard work during rainy weather. A few years ago, my strawberries were seedy and not uniformly plump and succulent, so I contacted my local Master Gardener for ideas about … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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