Tag: garden

Succulent planter from Valley Nursery

Succulents — Coming in from the Cold

The fat, fleshy leaves of succulents evoke dry summer heat. Sometimes blushed with rosy hues that hint of a California sunset, their closely held forms murmur memories of desert light. During the sodden, short days of Pacific Northwest winters, a tabletop planter of … read more

Western scrub-jay

Time to Count Birds

Counting birds in the middle of winter may not make sense but this is a tradition that goes back over a hundred years. It is a tradition that replaced another one known as the Christmas “Side Hunt.” Before the turn of the century, … read more

Manette Park

Neighborhood Raises $92,000 to Improve its Park

When the city of Bremerton parks department decided it was time to upgrade the old Manette neighborhood park, it went to the Manette Neighborhood Coalition and asked for help. The city wanted to hear from the neighborhood about what to include in the … read more



Song Sleuth with Sibley

Wildlife Acoustics, maker of the Song Sleuth bird-identifying app, has announced the launch of a birding sweepstakes. It is presented by L.L. Bean Co., maker of outdoor wear and gear. David Sibley, renowned artist and author of “Sibley’s Guide to Birds,” is the … read more

Bloedel Christmas

Winter in the Garden at Bloedel Reserve

Winter in the Northwest may not be the time of year when some people think of visiting a garden, but Bloedel Reserve on Bainbridge Island embraces nature during every season of the year. History Prentice Bloedel, an innovator of the timber industry, and … read more



Which Plants to Grow in Conservatory, Home, or Office

Being close to nature has many benefits but many of us cannot reap its benefits in cities due to lack of trees and plants and excessive buildings. Several studies around the world have shown the positive effects of greenery on our well-being. Did … read more

Heyday Farm

Heyday Farm Brings Sustainable Food to the People

In the morning shade of a large, commanding horse-chestnut tree sits a bright-yellow farmhouse that greets visitors to Heyday Farm on Bainbridge Island. Right away, guests are met with beautiful flower gardens, country architecture and the smiles of staff passionate about their work. … read more

What is Eating My Plant

What is Eating My Plant?

The first land plant evolved a little over 400 million years ago. A few million years after that, the earliest known insects appeared. Then came land-dwelling slugs, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds and mammals — all of them hungry and looking for a meal. … read more



10 Steps to Winterizing Your Outdoor Power Equipment

If you’re done aerating and getting your lawn ready for the winter, you’re probably ready to put your outdoor power equipment away. Did you know that outdoor power equipment needs to be winterized before it is stored for the fall? That helps avoid … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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