Tag: garden


dog in the garden

How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Garden

If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the wellbeing of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants Some common plants can … read more



The Benefits of Eating Northwest Cherries

The country may be turning a corner on the pandemic, but the fallout could take some time to work through. Americans have health concerns beyond COVID-19 that have compounded in the past year: postponed care for wellness issues, changed sleep patterns, undesired weight … read more

Rustic Fence

Keeping the Old, Rustic Fence

An Enchanting Garden for a Century-Old Cottage

Originally, the Palmer cottage served as a little general store on Rolling Bay. In the 1940s, it was moved to its present location on Manitou Beach Drive along the water. It’s situated next door to the Red Wing Blackbird Sanctuary. Lisa Dunham currently … read more


Include summer blooming shrubs like this Blue Satin Rose of Sharon to brighten up the summer garden. (Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com)

Designing Gardens for Year-Round Color and Protecting Your Investment

Create a colorful year-round garden filled with flowers, greenery, colorful fruit, fall color, winter interest and a few surprises. Consider seasonal interest when planning a new garden or landscape. Adding a few key plants to existing gardens can help boost your landscape’s seasonal … read more

Heblich Gardens

A Garden on a Lake

The magical view from the deck says it all — mountain peaks, placid lake and a garden that beckons you to leave the deck and wander through it to the water’s edge. This lovingly tended garden of Denice and Don Heblich on Wooten … read more

Rosedale Gardens

The Inspirational Rosedale Gardens and Nursery

If there’s one good thing that came with the COVID-19 virus in the past year, it’s the increased interest in the joys of gardening. With more time to spend at home and the need to fill the gaps left by social distancing, home … read more

A Pacific-slope flycatcher surveys its surroundings.

The Whistler in the Woods

Birders measure the arrival of spring not by a date on the calendar, but by the sounds of birds returning from winter warmth in the South. From March to May, over two dozen species of migrant songbirds arrive for breeding in West Sound. … read more


metal raised beds

Ideas for Expanding Your Planting Space

When your plant list is longer than the available gardening space, it’s time to expand your planting options. Create new gardening space by adding raised bed gardens, elevated planters and containers wherever space allows. Convert the end of the drive or edge of … read more

Pat Meras painting in a daisy and lavender field

Artists in the Garden

Gardens have been a favorite subject for artists since the beginning of time. Where else can such perfect subjects be found — subjects that flaunt their beauty and just beg to be painted? They don’t charge a modeling fee, need no special costumes … read more

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