Tag: flowers


Euphorbia characias subsp. wulfenii, an impressive plant with lovely structure and flowers, bears thousands of seeds that it disperses even while the flowers remain attractive and trick the gardener into leaving them on the plant too long. The plant's caustic sap can cause allergic reactions and harm eyes, so gardeners need to be careful when working around them. Many euphorbias seed freely, and may become a problem as they escape the confines of their gardens.

Thugs and Overachievers in the Garden

It is time to serve out some eviction notices. I’ve been cleaning out the garden, weeding, pruning and mulching as I go along, and making some tough decisions along the way: Who gets to stay, and who’s overstayed their welcome. There was a … read more

Lavender is given the meaning "devotion" yet also symbolizes "distrust" after a Victorian legend that the dangerous Asp that killed Cleopatra hid under a lavender bush.

Florigraphy — The Language of Flowers

When we send someone flowers, they are usually sent to express a sentiment. Wishes of love, sympathies, regrets, new birth and death all get scribbled on the little card tucked into the arrangement. “Those of our time do use the flowers in sallads … read more


Valley Nursery

Learn Gardening with Valley Nursery Classes

If you’ve thought about taking on new gardening projects this year but are not sure where to start, gardening classes can offer you just the right boost — you can learn from the experts and walk away with ideas for your own garden. … read more

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

Gravel patios or “terraces” are an outdoor element used in home landscapes in Europe for many centuries. Elegant and natural, they are typically made of crushed indigenous stone, widely used for many years because it was a readily available and inexpensive material. The … read more



Winter Bloomers Give Offseason Interest to Your Garden

Are you looking for some color to liven up the gray winter landscape? By choosing winter-blooming plants, you will get the satisfaction of a few flowers when much of the country is under ice and snow. Some of your choices are available in … read more


Historical Plants of West Sound

West Sound, known as the Kitsap Peninsula and the Great Peninsula, has a rich agricultural and horticultural history. The glaciers left rich earthen deposits behind; the forest duff provided rich tilth and the two combined to make wonderful soils. Just the right amount … read more


Jay on Fence Post

Landscaping for Birds in Your Garden

The gardening magazines and catalogs that arrive in January are reminders that spring in the Northwest isn’t far off. Thinking about spring gardening chores is the perfect time to consider the birds we hope to attract to our yards in the coming months. … read more


Gardening With Peg

Tips About Easy-Care Houseplants

During these sometimes gray winter months, we can still find plant pleasures indoors. Houseplants are the plants that keep on giving enjoyment all year long, whether it be with foliage or with cheerful and entrancing flowers. Here are a few easy-care, no-fail plants … read more

Camellia 'Setsugekka' was espeliered and grows next to the entrance of this home.
In The Garden

A Boost of Winter Color and Fragrance

After taking down the Christmas lights and all the bling is gone, January looks cold, dark and gray. Depressing. Does it have to be this way? Not if you plant a garden that looks good even during the coldest days of the year. … read more

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