Tag: flowers

Old Roses, Companions And Pests
Care for Roses, Part 2

Old Roses, Companions And Pests

Many of the old garden roses (OGRs) we now grow in America came to us by way of Europe. During her brief tenure as Napoleon’s empress (1804-’09), Josephine of France collected more than 200 rose varieties, nearly all that were known in the … read more

Mason Bees

All About the Mason Bee

(a.k.a. the blue bee)

Mason bees are wonderful pollinators that are native to most of North America. They have been doing a magnificent job of pollinating long before the colonists brought in the honeybees from overseas. The mason bee is not a hive-dwelling bee, therefore there is … read more

Repurposing Containers

Repurposing — A Recipe for Charming Containers Full of Plants

All it takes to repurpose something into a plant container is a little imagination, good drainage, a bit of soil and wonderful plants. Season with a dash of charm, a pinch of humor or an element of surprise — it’s a recipe for … read more

Sundquist Nursery — Perennial beds in summer glory

Sundquist Nursery

Plants with Personality for Perfect Performance

Nils Sundquist of Sundquist Nursery is a consummate nurseryman. Growing plants has been his life’s work and passion since the age of 19. In fact, he could be called an aficionado of plants and all things related to horticulture. The nursery is located … read more

Get the Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Plant Sales • Garden Tours • Food Gardens...

Plant Sales and Garden Tours Hopefully you’ve been getting in shape and building up stamina during the last few months, because May and June in the gardening world are packed with opportunities, activities and lots of time out in the garden. Be sure … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardens Promote Literacy at 18th Annual Gig Harbor Garden Tour

"What is a garden for, if not to...

It’s an appropriate saying for this year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour from an 86-year-old gardener who has opened her magnificent garden to thousands of viewers over the last 15 years. For the last 17 years, the Gig Harbor Garden Tour has dedicated its … read more

Bainbridge in Bloom 2015

Bainbridge in Bloom

On Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11, Arts & Humanities Bainbridge will once again welcome the public into exquisite private landscapes at Bainbridge in Bloom. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with live music throughout the tour, the six stunning gardens … read more


Dog And Park Bench

Why Procrastination in the Garden Can Be a Good Thing

Procrastination. Generally a dirty word, and yet, it doesn’t always have to be. I have plenty of experience in the field, and have come to the conclusion that in gardening, procrastination can be a beautiful thing. Like the time I left a pile … read more


Cracked Pot Miniature Container Gardens
Gardening With Peg

How to Create Tiny, Whimsical Gardens in Cracked Pots

Sooner or later, every gardener ends up with a few broken or cracked pottery, ceramic or clay pots. What’s a gardener to do? They’re often way too nice to throw away. My friend, Melissa Lawrence, shows us how to create beauty out of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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