Tag: family fun


Tips on How to Successfully Read to Your Child

Five Tips on How to Successfully Read to Your Child

Reading has the enduring power to shape and develop minds, both in the home and classroom. The urgency to make the teaching of reading as effective and enjoying as possible should always be reinforced at home. The goal must be to show every … read more


Theler Wetlands

A Walk on the Edge for Birdwatchers

This time of the year provides some of the best birdwatching. A walk on the “edge” will produce the largest variety of bird species. Forests and heavy brush bordering fields, wetlands and other open areas create this edge effect birds are drawn to. … read more

Olalla Bluegrass

Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival Turns 25

Every August since 1991, Olalla has brought together people of all ages from throughout West Sound — and as far away as Texas, Virginia and even Europe — to “Kick the City Off Their Shoes” at the Olalla Bluegrass & Beyond Festival. This … read more


Marrus Orthocanna Siphonophore (Photo Credit: Hidden Ocean Expedition 2005/NOAA/OAR/OER)

The Fascinating World of Siphonophores

Why humans and these tiny creatures are more...

Do you like to walk our beautiful Puget Sound beaches at low tide? Do you slowly stroll up and down the docks, staring into the water to catch a glimpse of the sea life lurking beneath the depths? If you do this with … read more


Retro Soda Pop Frames

Retro Soda Pop Frames

Bottle caps are among many kids’ favorite things to collect (perhaps for kids at heart too). If you’ve got an abundance, instead of discarding or thinning out your collection, use them for a weekend crafts project. Besides, your kids are asking for something … read more


Key Peninsula Art Walk

Key Peninsula Hosts Second Annual Art Walk

The Key Peninsula may be somewhat isolated and rural, but it has a thriving and active arts community. Inspired by other areas that have been hosting art walks to great success, the local arts organization, Two Waters Arts Alliance, hosted an art walk … read more


Children Helping Kitchen

5 Ways to Get Your Kids in the Kitchen (But Not Get in Your Way)

My three kids spend so much time with me in the kitchen. Daily, we chop, we mix, we bake, we stir, we do life together around our island and over food. At this point, they are trained professionals when it comes to helping … read more


Upwind Sailing

The ‘Secrets’ of Upwind Sailing, Explained

Have you ever noticed the grace and beauty of a sailboat silently moving about? Many, many years ago, sailing vessels had square sails. They pretty much sailed in the direction the wind was blowing, being pushed along toward a destination. This worked well, … read more


The Cushman Powerline Trail

20 Ways to Enjoy Nature Around West Sound with Kids

School is out — which means kids will be looking for things to do. A great thing about living in West Sound is that there are a number of ways to enjoy summer vacation close to home, and most of them are free. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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