Tag: family fun



9 Reasons to Plant a Tree this Spring

Did you know that planting a tree is one of the easiest and most powerful things you can do to have a positive impact on the environment? Trees clean the air, prevent rainwater runoff, help you save energy and even combat global warming. … read more



Gig Harbor’s Newest Gathering Space Ocean5 Comes with New Restaurant

If you’ve always wanted more things to do for kids and kids at heart in Gig Harbor, your wish has come true. Gig Harbor’s newest venue, Ocean5, is a gathering space that includes a place to play laser tag and bowl, plus a … read more


Bainbridge Performing Arts

BSO April Concert Features Talented Local Youth, Music from Films

I am very much looking forward to my concerts with the Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra. The concerts are special for me because of the collaboration with my talented Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra. I strongly believe that arts organizations are stronger and more vibrant when … read more


cheesy taco wings

Recipes for the Big Game

When hosting a game-day party, you’d think the focus would be on the score or the award-winning commercials, but it’s actually a great reason to indulge in flavor-filled bites. When the big day rolls around, let your guests obsess over the game while … read more



New Poulsbo Community Orchestra Artistic Director to Lead Bainbridge Symphony as Guest Conductor

Guest conductor Mario Alejandro Torres will lead the Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra’s lyrical and lovely winter program this February. César Franck wrote a hybrid symphony-symphonic poem when he penned his “Symphony in D minor,” his most enduring work for orchestra. The opening movement seems … read more


American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)

Interesting Winter Bird Flocks

Pine siskins, American goldfinches and common redpolls are cousins, members of the large finch family. During the winter months, they frequently flock together in the search for food. Flocks of pine siskins can grow into the hundreds at this time. You have to … read more


Home Theatres

Home Theatres — Is There One in Your Future?

Home theaters are a very popular request in remodels and new homes today — and rightfully so. Who wouldn’t love a room to lounge in with family and friends and watch their favorite shows and movies? The term home theater is used quite … read more


Easy Pumpkin Carving

Traditional Pumpkin Carving Techniques

Editor’s note: Are you among the estimated 64 million Americans who will be carving a pumpkin this Halloween! This excerpt was adapted from the newly published book “Easy Pumpkin Carving: Spooktacular Patterns, Tips & Ideas” can help you make the best jack-o-lantern on … read more



Trick-or-Treat for a New Kind of Thrill

For most kids, Halloween is all about costumes and candy, but it can also be a chance to demonstrate how helping others brings its own set of rewards. This October, children, families and schools across the country will join in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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