Tag: family fun


Andrew Barnwell

Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra presents ‘Shakespeare: Comedy and Tragedy’ with the BPA Shakespeare Society

Shakespeare has long been a source of artistic inspiration. His literary works have inspired visual art, plays, film, dance, music and more. In a concert series on Saturday and Sunday, April 18 and 19, the Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra will collaborate for the first … read more


How many barnacles can you count?

Winter’s the Perfect Time for the Beach

Winter is not your typical time to go to the beach. One, it’s cold. Two, it’s probably raining. Lastly, the tide is too high — that is, unless you plan your beach venture in the dark of the night. That’s right, around here … read more


The team behind the Lisa Stirrett Glass Art Studio , left to right: Lisa Stirrett, Stacy Brockberg, Erika Giesbrecht, Madi Bowe, Tara Morris and Anna Douglas.
Local Events

Lisa Stirrett Glass Art Studio Marks Anniversary with Special Event

Building community is the highest priority for the Lisa Stirrett Glass Art Studio, according to Silverdale artist and founder Lisa Stirrett. The studio’s anniversary party on June 20 will launch the team’s newest venture. Personally, Lisa’s focus has included both her local and … read more


Large crowds of boaters and non-boaters are expected at the Bremerton Marina on June 13 and 14 for National Marina Day festivities.
Local Events

Bremerton Marina Plans Busy Weekend to Mark National Marina Day

The Bremerton Marina will join other marinas from around the country on June 14 to celebrate National Marina Day. It’s a day to both celebrate boating and give nonboaters a sneak peek at the boating lifestyle. Because of the event’s success last year, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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