Tag: family fun

Gig Harbor

Historic Downtown Gig Harbor

Any discussion of downtowns on the Kitsap Peninsula has to include the Gig Harbor historic downtown waterfront district. Centered around the famous Harborside Avenue, Gig Harbor’s downtown has many shops and restaurants, along with stunning views of Puget Sound and Mount Rainier. On … read more

Our Daily Bread

Rye — An International Favorite

Fragrant, wholesome and wonderfully delicious, rye bread is as varied as the many cultures that enjoy it. From deep, dark, chewy pumpernickel to light rye with caraway seeds, rye breads are staples in many countries, while only featured occasionally in others. Probably the … read more


lemon donuts

Recipe for Delightful Lemon Donuts

Sweets with enhanced fruit flavors are often among the best of the best when it comes to family treats. Fruit can add levels of sweet, tart or even citrus flavor to all kinds of recipes. From grapefruit to berries and lemons, there are … read more


beautiful backyard

Which ‘Backyarder’ Personality Are You?

Backyarding — the trend to use the backyard for everything from teleworking and working out to relaxing and recreating — has a different purpose for each of us. Identifying your backyard’s role in your family’s health and happiness is the key to cultivating … read more


Heronswood Gardens

Heronswood Garden Reopens, Expands Garden Open Schedule for 2021

Heronswood, the iconic botanical garden in Kingston, reopened gates to visitors on April 1. The garden, owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe (PGST) and managed by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Foundation, is also expanding its 2021 open days. Heronswood will be open … read more


Easter bunny butt cake

A Hoppy Easter Cake

Easter is almost here, and the big bunny himself will be hopping around in no time delivering goodies. Celebrate with this delicious and colorful Easter Bunny Butt Cake. It can bring smiles and laughter while putting everyone in a light, joyful mood. This … read more


exercise gardening

Top 10 Reasons to Garden

Mobile phones, tablets and apps have become the tools of modern lives. But it wasn’t that long ago that a shovel, a patch of soil and a bag of seeds were the only tools needed to provide sustenance and satisfaction. With the 2020 … read more


Irish Potato Bread

Baked Bread to Celebrate St. Patty’s Day

From hearty stews to minty pies, St. Patrick’s Day celebrations are all about enjoying the flavors of the holiday. Whether you’re cooking up a full meal or simply serving appetizers, this Irish Potato Bread makes for a simple, tasty snack to feed your … read more


flourishing backyard spaces

Will ‘Backyarding’ Become a Permanent Trend?

Under pandemic conditions, yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven for gathering socially, celebrating milestones and holidays, working, studying, playing, exercising and = relaxing. Called “backyarding,” this trend moves  indoor activities — from working in an office or classroom to dining … read more

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