Tag: events



‘Sacred and Profane: Carmina Burana’ To Be Performed on Bainbridge Island

Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra (BSO) and Bainbridge Chorale join forces for another extraordinary partnership on April 22 and 23. Together, they will perform iconic sacred works by Mozart, Beethoven and Brahms before turning their attention to Carl Orff’s famed “Carmina Burana.” Led by conductors … read more


Earth Day

Things to Do Around West Sound in April to Celebrate Earth Day

If you lead an environmentally conscious lifestyle, every day is as good as any to celebrate our planet. But Earth Day is especially meaningful because it’s an occasion to celebrate Mother Earth as well as spread awareness. Did you know that Earth Day … read more

United by Music North America

Changing Lives through Music

Based in Gig Harbor, United by Music North...

It’s said that music changes lives — United by Music North America changes lives in profound ways. Based in Gig Harbor, the nonprofit organization works with musically talented people who happen to have intellectual or physical disabilities and helps them become performing musicians. … read more

Learning in the 21st Century

Worldwide Movement Spreads to West Sound

Josh Rosenberg is only in sixth grade, but he’s already decided on his dream job: He wants to work for Pixar, creating animations or effects for films like Toy Story. Which is why every chance he gets, the Hyla Middle School student spends … read more

Best of West Sound 2017

Best of West Sound Results 2017

WestSound Magazine magazine is excited to present the annual Best of West Sound results — from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor, we’ve found the businesses and places you love. Enjoy! Best Restaurant La Fermata 2205 East 11th Street, Bremerton lafermatarestaurant.com … read more


When you see it! Pictured: Jasmine, Adam, Musical Director Joel Kurzynski, Myriah, and Garrett

BPA’s Newest Show: [title of show]

Yes, that’s really the name of the show! Save the dates for a thoroughly unique and comical postmodern homage to the grand tradition of backstage musicals. You won’t want to miss this outrageously funny love letter to musical theatre. [title of show] is … read more

Party-Planning Pizzazz
Cover Feature

Party-Planning Pizzazz

When friends of Katie and Glenn Eberling open their mailboxes and find a personal, creative, original invitation to a Christmas party, the holiday season officially begins. The couple have been holding Christmas gala parties for several years to kick off the Christmas season, … read more


Alan Neweberg Art

From Dying Wood to Beautiful Sculptures: Exhibit Features Intricate Wood Sculptures

Bremerton sculptor Alan Neweberg breathes new life into old wood — creating semi-abstract, large-scale, highly finished carvings from fine woods such as black walnut and clear fir. As tall as 9 feet, the sculptures — geometric pieces with straight lines and hard edges … read more


Senior Living

How Your Environment Plays a Role in Aging Successfully

Aging successfully can mean something different to each person. But, how people can achieve “successful aging” is actually quite similar no matter what the end result. In their book “Successful Aging,” authors John Rowe and Robert Kuhn outline three overall objectives to aging … read more

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