Tag: diy tips


fire fire

Expert Tips to Help Your Family Stay Safe in the Event of a House Fire

Did you know you could have less than three minutes to safely leave your home in the event of a fire? While the overall number of home fires has decreased recently, home fire deaths are actually on the rise. Fire is faster today … read more


colorful homes

What the Paint Color of Your Home Says About Your Personality

Many people who buy their homes usually style them based on their home’s features and color. Other times, they style it with their favorite colors. But not many people think about what their color choice says about them. Maybe there’s no correlation between … read more


Tex-Mex Beef Lasagna

Turn to Tradition for Tex-Mex Taste

The next time your loved ones crave a comforting dish that’s warming from the inside-out, turn to an all-time classic with a touch of southern flair. Take inspiration for this Tex-Mex Beef Lasagna from season 3 of “BBQuest: Beyond the Pit,” a video … read more



10 New Plants to Create a Multi-Season Hummingbird Haven

Is there anything more entertaining than watching the aerobatic antics of hummingbirds? Whether they’re visiting for a sip of sugar water at the feeder, zooming through the garden (where you’ll often hear their whirring wings before you see them) or engaging in an … read more


learning finance

Helping Teens Develop Financial Literacy

Developing financial knowledge and effective money management habits are important steppingstones for teenagers to become financially stable adults who aspire to build assets and achieve personal goals. For example, most teens (88%) would like to own a home someday, according to a survey … read more


backyard office

How to Create the Perfect Outdoor Living and Work Room

The pandemic thrust us into a new reality, and the backyard has a starring role. Yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven. Backyarding became a way of life as lawns, gardens, patios and decks evolved into outdoor offices, classrooms, family gathering … read more


creamy raspberry mocha parfait

A Sweet Evening-Ender

Nearly anytime can be a good time for a decadent dessert. This Creamy Raspberry Mocha Parfait, which combines the flavors of instant coffee, chocolate and raspberries, can be a perfect nightcap to almost any meal. Find more dessert recipes at Culinary.net. Creamy Raspberry … read more


loans for homes

What to Do if Your Mortgage Application is Denied

If you dream of homeownership, having your mortgage application denied can be devastating. If this does happen to you, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. In 2020, 13 percent of all purchase mortgage applications — a total of nearly 650,000 — … read more


Staycation Backyarding

10 Things ‘Master Backyarders’ Do (That All of Us Should Emulate)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a lot of practice backyarding. This is the act of doing indoor things — think dining, working, entertaining, exercising and even vacationing — outdoors, like in our own backyards. According to the TurfMutt Foundation, which … read more

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