Tag: diy tips


newlywed finances

5 Financial Tips for Newlyweds

February is the month of love and one of the most popular times of year for couples to get engaged. According to a recent study, 36% of respondents said Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day to propose. If you’re about to get … read more


Beef and Blue Cheese-Stuffed Mushrooms

Recipe for Beef and Blue Cheese-Stuffed Mushrooms

Welcoming friends, family and neighbors for celebrations of all kinds demands delicious hors d’oeuvres for making guests feel right at home. Next time you invite loved ones for a special get-together, you can beef up the menu with a tasty appetizer that’s as … read more



Stay Safe as You Get Back Outside to Work on Your Lawn and Backyard

Spring is coming, and as we get out our lawn mowers and other outdoor power equipment from storage to work in our yards, businesses and other green spaces, it’s important to put safe practices in place. “Think safety first,” says Kris Kiser, president … read more


Brunch Fruit Tart

Recipe for Brunch Fruit Tart

Whether it’s a weekend celebration or a simple morning bite on the go, it’s often said breakfast is the most important meal. Starting off your day with some fruity nutrition is a sweet way to add vitamin C to your diet without skimping … read more

Teri Cole
Teri's Tips

I Love Winter!

As it gets chilly and the temps drop, I always wish for a beautiful snowfall, which is so good for the garden. A blanket of snow insulates the plants and allows a slow and deep watering as it melts away. As my garden … read more


Pesto Pasta Salad

Recipe for Pesto Pasta Salad

Starting the new year with fresh intentions, whether you’re trying to reset for 2023 or simply add more greens to your meals, begins with delicious, nutritious and easy recipes. With more than 100 varieties of fresh, healthy and convenient ready-to-eat salads, Fresh Express … read more


active couple

Why Regular Testing Is Critical for Protecting Women’s Heart Health

February marks the start of American Heart Month — a month dedicated to raising awareness about cardiovascular health and heart disease prevention. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every 34 seconds, one person dies in the United States from … read more


couple having fun

5 Tips to Declutter Your Relationship This Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, let’s take the time to strengthen the most important thing in our life: love. What better time to consciously strengthen it than Valentine’s Day, a day dedicated to showing our significant other how much they mean to us? However, … read more

Barb's Open Kitchen
Barb's Open Kitchen

Appetizers in a Flash

Your phone dings and a favorite friend asks, “Are you home? We thought we would stop by for a few minutes.” Or, you look at the clock and think, “It would be so nice to have Dick and Jane stop in for a … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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