Tag: diy tips


How to Incorporate Your Books into Your Home Decor

How to Incorporate Your Books into Your Home Decor

If you have bookcases on each side of your fireplace and the shelves are deeper than the normal 10 to 12 inches, don’t push the books all the way back against the wall. In fact, you should do exactly the opposite. Line up … read more

Mosaic Flower Pot: Materials
Sweeten The Pot

Step By Step Instructions to Make a Mosaic Planter

This project is the ideal introduction to the craft of mosaics. Making a mosaic flowerpot utilizes the skills required for a larger composition, without the risk of spending much on tools that might not be used again. And a mosaic planter doesn’t need … read more


McCormick Forest Park

HAPPY Trails to You — The Benefits of Running Outdoors

Perhaps John Muir, the great American environmentalist, said it best: “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” You probably know that exercise in general is good for us and that we are lucky enough to live in the … read more


A space that may normally be unused became a cozy reading nook in this client home.

How to Use Space Creatively in Your Home

Whether you need more space in your existing home or you have an odd space that is unused, look at some creative options for using space in your home. Have kids? If you have a stairwell, turn that useless under-stairwell closet (you know, … read more


Late summer border bloomers, upright sedum and Japanese Anemone

A Few Tasks for the Dog Days of a Summer Garden

As you stroll through the garden in the heat of the day, plants don’t seem to have that oomph they had in the spring. Some say it’s just too hot to garden and are waiting for fall planting time to even think about … read more


Fresh Pizza Ingredients

The Secret to Homemade Pizza: Pizza Stones

Pizza stones are required equipment for the best homemade thin-crust pizza. There, I said it! I could beat around the bush and say that you can get the same results with a pan in the oven, but I would be lying. It doesn’t … read more


How to Troubleshoot Your Three-Way Floor Lamp

How to Troubleshoot Your Three-Way Floor Lamp

If the three-way bulb on one of your table or floor lamps has only one level of light, more than likely one of the filaments has burned out. However, it could also be a connection in the three-way socket. Follow these steps to … read more

Healthy Birds In Your Backyard

Healthy Birds In Your Backyard

What a wonderful spring we had, with lots of moisture and late winter snow in the mountains. All that is good for the birds and their nesting activities that are ongoing. Every year, we hear of some illness issues that pop up from … read more


How to Properly Clean Your Shower Liner

How to Properly Clean Your Shower Liner

If your vinyl shower curtain liner has developed black spots, especially in some of the folds, it is probably mildew rather than dirt. It’s perfectly OK to wash it in your washer. Most good-quality vinyl shower curtain liners will survive years of washing. … read more

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